Responsible Leadership and Sustainable Development in Post-Independent Africa:A Kenyan Experience | Kagema,Dickson Nkonge | | | 2025-03-05T10:54:10Z | | | 2025-03-05T10:54:10Z | | | 2018-01 | |
dc.description | | |
dc.description.abstract | The political independence in Africa was welcomed with joy and a heap of expectations, as AfricansbelievedthatthenewAfricangovernmentswouldbringsustainabledevelopmentafter years of subjugation, exploitation, and oppression. Unfortunately, this has not been the case. Today,manyyearsaftertheattainmentofpoliticalindependence,manyAfricannationslargely remain underdeveloped, burdened with poverty, diseases, poor communication networks, illiteracy,tribalanimosity,economicchallenges,andinjustices,―allofwhichaffecteveryaspect of African life. This study, which involved 160 respondents purposely selected from the 47 countiesinKenya,aimedto investigatewhy Africacontinuesto lagbehindindevelopmentdespite autonomousrule.ThestudyfoundthatalthoughAfricaisendowedwithnumerousresources,it suffers from the lack of responsible leaders, particularly political leaders. Leaders in Africa are availableinabundancebutveryfewareconcernedwiththewelfareofthepeopletheylead.The majority of the leaders are keen to retain power and acquire wealth at the expense of the constituents they represent. This has created a very horrendous situation in Africa as people struggletoaccesspoorly-managedresources.Nosustainabledevelopmentcanbeattainedina situationwhereleadersarenotresponsibletothosewhotheylead.Foritisonlytheinstallation ofcompetent,empathetic,equitable,andforward-thinkingleadersthatwillsuccessfullyguidethe sustainabledevelopmentofemergingAfricaneconomies.Africanleadersmustrealizethatthey are stewards of the geopolitical environments they were elected to serve and must be fully accountablefortheiractions.Responsibleleadershipandsustainabledevelopmentareclosely interwoven. Recommendations are interjected regarding how to develop our leaders for responsibleleadershipifanymeaningfuldevelopmentistobegenuinelyachievedinAfrica. | |
dc.identifier.citation | Kagema, D. N. (2018). Responsible leadership and sustainable development in post-independent Africa: A Kenyan experience. The Journal of Values-Based Leadership, 11(1), 9. | |
dc.identifier.uri | | |
dc.language.iso | en | |
dc.publisher | ne Journal of Values-BasedLeadership | |
dc.relation.ispartofseries | Vol 11; 1 | |
dc.subject | Responsible Leadership Sustainable Development Post-Independent Africa Kenyan Experience Leadership in Africa | |
dc.title | Responsible Leadership and Sustainable Development in Post-Independent Africa:A Kenyan Experience | |
dc.type | Article |