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Effect of Liquidity on Financial Performance of Firms Listed at the Nairobi Securities Exchange,
(International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), 2015) Akenga, Grace
Liquidity refers to the ability of a firm to meet its obligations as and when they fall due. In order to meet their obligations, firms are expected to hold a certain percentage of their total finance in cash. However, majority of the institutions especially financialinstitutions tend to focus only on profit maximization at the expense of liquidity management. It is therefore the role of financial managers to establish effective mechanisms of meeting a firm’s obligations and profit maximization. The objective of the study was to establish the effect of current ratio, cash reserves and debt ratio on financial performance of firms listed at the Nairobi Securities Exchange (NSE). Causal research design was adopted. Purposive sampling technique was used to select 30 firms. The data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics It was found that current ratio and cash reserves have a significant effect on ROA with a p value of less than 0.05.The debt ratio was found to have no significant effect on ROA as it had a significance level of 0.571.
Effect of Mergers and Acquisitions on Financial Performance of Commercial Banks in Kenya
(IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSR-JBM), 2017-08) Akenga, Grace Melissa; Olang’, Margaret Akinyi
Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) perform a vital role in corporate finance by enabling firms achieve varied objectives and financial strategies.In Kenya banks have been merging with the goal of improving their financial performance. Studies done on mergers and acquisitions have not conclusively established whether or not banks benefit from mergers. Therefore this study aims at establishing the effect of mergers and acquisitions on financial performance of commercial banks in Kenya. The study will be guided by the following objectives; to find out the effect of asset growth, shareholders value and synergy on the financial performance of merged banks in Kenya. The study adopted a causal research design. It adopted a census method which involved studying all the 6 merged banks from the year 2010 to 2017. The study used secondary data from published audited annual reports of commercial banks and banking supervision annual reports. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyse data at 5% significance level. The study found out that the mergers and acquisitions had a positive impact on shareholders’ value and assets of the merged or acquiring banks in Kenya.
Status of Opuntia invasions in the arid and semi-arid lands of Kenya
(CAB International 2018, 2018-03-21) Githae, Eunice W.
Invasive alien species (IAS) are among the leading threats to biodiversity, food security and human well-being. Opuntia (prickly pear cactus) is one of the most widespread and naturalized in the arid and semi-arid areas of Kenya, with extreme effects on rural livelihoods and the environment. However, comprehensive information on the status of invasion in the country is lacking, which is crucial for developing strategies for prevention and management. This paper, therefore, provides an overview of the interacting factors that influence its invasion in Kenya in terms of species diversity, pathways of introduction, negative impacts and the effectiveness of regulations and control measures. Seven invasive species of Opuntia are present in the country with the most abundant (O. stricta) being under biocontrol trial. These species have the same habitat preferences, physiological traits, negative impacts, introduction pathways and management options. Invasion is mainly attributed to changes in land use and consequent land degradation. Introduction pathways are largely intentional for ornamental purposes but unintentional at a local scale through escape from gardens and natural dispersal. The most applied methods of managing Opuntia are mechanical and chemical methods that are unsustainable and labour-intensive at large scale. Effective policies are therefore needed to prevent an increase in the significant negative impacts caused by IAS including those that have a limited distribution.
Socio-ecological impacts of invasive alien cactus (opuntia) in the rangelands of Narok county, Kenya
(Journal of Research in Forestry, Wildlife & Environment, 2017-12) Githae, E.W.; Magana, A. M.
Many cactus species have been introduced in the Kenyan rangelands and their subsequent spread have had devastating effects on the ecosystem services. Opuntia stricta is the most widespread and forms dense impenetrable thickets that negatively impact on rangeland livelihoods and resources. This study assessed the impact of O. stricta on rural livelihoods and their environment in Narok County. Data was collected using household surveys, key informant interviews and transect-walks. Results indicate that communities in the region are well aware of Opuntia invasion in the area, which has increased rapidly over the recent past and spreading to various ecosystems. The cause of spread was attributed to planting the species for various purposes, garden throw-outs and floods. More than 70% of the respondents perceived the species as undesirable with negative impacts only. The impacts include denied access to natural resources, reduced productivity and increased threat to livestock and human health. Pasture lands, farmlands and degraded lands were the most invaded areas. Chopping was the preferred method of management but was combined with other mechanical and chemical methods in order to be more effective. Appropriate interventions are suggested to mitigate the negative impacts and improve rural livelihoods and their environment.
Isolation and Molecular Characterization of Soil Bacteria Capable of Degrading Chlorpyrifos and Diuron Pesticides
(Journal of Applied & Environmental Microbiology, 2018) Mirenga E.O,; Korir J.C,; Kimosop S.J ,; Orata, F; Getenga Z.M
The pesticides Chlorpyrifos and Diuron have been extensively used in sugarcane farming for several years in spite of their known harmful effects. The aim of this study was to isolate hlorpyrifos and Diuron- degrading bacteria from exposed agricultural soil in the Nzoia River Drainage Basin and characterize the isolated bacteria by analyzing the 16S rRNA nucleotide sequence. The isolates could be potential candidates for use in bioremediation protocols. One soil isolate was found capable of degrading Chlorpyrifos and another was found capable of degrading Diuron. 16S rRNA gene sequences of the two isolates were deposited in GenBank and assigned the Accession Numbers MG517447 and MG517448 respectively. Sequence analysis of the two isolates using BLASTN and phylogenetic analysis revealed that the isolate capable of utilizing Chlorpyrifos as the sole carbon source was Kosakonia oryzae strain Ola 51, while the isolate capable of utilizing Diuron as the sole carbon source was Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain M-1. Kosakonia oryzae strain Ola 51 and Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain M-1 are thus potential candidates for use in bioremediation protocols for soils contaminated with Chlorpyrifos and Diuron, respectively.