Influence Of Digital Journalism’s Gratification On News Access And Choice In Kenyan Universities: A Case Study Of Chuka University
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Journal Of Humanities And Social Science
The aspect of digital journalism on news access and choice has not received proper empirical
research. The question whether digital journalism gratifications influencenews access and choice is an area that
requires additional research.This study sought to explore the extent to which digital journalism audiences’
gratification has influenced news access and choice among university students in Kenya.The study was carried
out in four selected Universities. The study employed descriptive research design. The target population of the
study was 64,497. Purposive sampling was used to sample the universities. Random sampling was used to
sample 384 respondents from the sampled universities. Data was collected using questionnaire. The data
gathered was analyzed using descriptive statistics using statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) Version
17.0. Frequencies and percentages were used for analysis. The study found that diversified digital journalism
products gratify the interests and demands of internet users. The study recommends that media practitioners
should conceptualize their audiences and digital journalism platforms that gratify them. Media houses and the
government to develop internet infrastructure, formulate ethical framework and policies to guide digital
journalism practice in Kenya. The finding of this study would provide knowledge on how digital journalism
content is packaged and styled to appeal to the audiences.
Research Article
Digital Journalism, Influence, Gratification, Multimedia
Okana, E. (2017). Influence Of Digital Journalism’s Gratification On News Access And Choice In Kenyan Universities: A Case Study Of Chuka University. IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 22(6), 78-81.