Browsing Department of Plant Science by Title
Now showing items 49-68 of 127
Genetic Diversity Analysis in Tropical Maize Germplasm for Stem Borer and Storage Pest Resistance using Molecular Markers and Phenotypic traits
(2015)One hundred maize inbred lines and eighty four hybrids were characterized for resistance to maize stem borer and post-harvest insect pests. This was achieved using genetic distance and population structure based on simple ... -
Genetic diversity of pumpkin accessions in Kenya revealed using morphological characters, diversity index, CATPCA and factor analysis
(2018-02)Pumpkin is one of the most morphologically variable genera in the entire plant kingdom. In Kenya, its genetic diversity is undocumented and distribution is haphazard. An expedition was done in Kakamega and Nyeri regions ... -
Genetic variation of growth dynamics in maize (Zea mays L.) revealed through automated non-invasive phenotyping.
(John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2017)Hitherto, most quantitative trait loci of maize growth and biomass yield have been identified for a single time point, usually the final harvest stage. Through this approach cumulative effects are detected, without considering ... -
Genome-Wide Identification of GASA Gene Family in Ten Cucurbitaceae Species and Expression Analysis in Cucumber
(MDPI, 2022)Gibberellic acid-stimulated in Arabidopsis (GASA), a unique small molecular protein of plants, plays an essential role in plant growth and development. The GASA family genes have been identified and studied in many plants. ... -
Genome-Wide Identification of the B-Box Gene Family and Expression Analysis Suggests Their Potential Role in Photoperiod-Mediated β-Carotene Accumulation in the Endocarp of Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) Fruit
(MDPI, 2022)Carotenoids are indispensable to plants and essential for human nutrition and health. Carotenoid contents are strongly influenced by light through light-responsive genes such as B-Box (BBX) genes. BBX proteins, a class ... -
Genome-Wide Identification, Phylogenetic and Expression Pattern Analysis of GATA Family Genes in Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.)
(MDPI, 2021)GATA transcription factors are a class of transcriptional regulatory proteins that contain a characteristic type-IV zinc finger DNA-binding domain, which play important roles in plant growth and development. The GATA ... -
Growth of ranunculus cutflower under tropical high altitude conditions.
(Horticultural Association of Kenya, 2009)Cutflower production and marketing is partly challenged by lack of new, exciting and improved varieties to satisfy customer needs of a different flower. Ranunculus (Ranunculus asiaticus L.) is a bulbous plant that originated ... -
Growth of ranunculus cutflower under tropical high altitude conditions. 2: Effects of GA3 and shade on light intensity and temperature modification
(Horticultural Association of Kenya, 2009)Customer needs of a different flower are increasing over time worldwide. Many bulbous plants including ranunculus fit the category of a different flower because they are not known. Ranunculus(Ranunculus ... -
Household responses to COVID-19 shocks: A food security implication in Kenya
(Prime Scholars Library, 2022)The primary objective of this study was to determine household coping mechanisms under COVID-19 pandemics and its implication on food security in the country. Poisson regression model was used to describe the relationship ... -
Impact of land use/land cover changes on ecosystem service values in the cherangany hills water tower, Kenya
(Elsevier, 2022)Land Use/Land Cover (LULC) changes alter the ecosystem structure and function, resulting in variations of the Ecosystem Service Values (ESVs). This study investigated the impacts of LULC changes on ESVs over 37 years in ... -
Improving seed potato leaf area index, stomatal conductance and chlorophyll accumulation efficiency through irrigation water, nitrogen and phosphorus nutrient management.
(Macrothink Institute, 2016-01)A study was conducted in a Rainshelter (RTrial) at Horticultural Research and Teaching Farm, Egerton University to determine the effect of integration of irrigation water, nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) application on ... -
In-vitro Evaluation of Fungicide Sensitivity of Tomato Leaf Blight Pathogens
(Jurnal Pertanian Tropik (JPT), 2021)Tomato early and late blight diseases caused by Alternaria solani and Phytophthora infestans respectively, are constraints to tomato production globally. Conventional use of commercial synthetic fungicides in management ... -
Incidence and Severity of Solanum lycopersicumBacterial leaf spot Caused by Xanthomonad species in Farms in Wanguru, Mwea, Kirinyaga County, Kenya
(IRE, 2019-04)Demand for tomato has increased tremendously but its production has been bedeviled by phytopathogens such as bacteria leaf spot. Studies have reported cases of bacteria leaf spot associated with tomato losses in ... -
Incidence and Severity of Turcicum Leaf Blight Caused by Exserohilum turcicum (pass.) Leonard and Suggs) on Sorghum Populations in Different Regions of Tharaka Nithi County, Kenya
(Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research, 2019)Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) is a drought tolerant food crop preferred by subsistence farmers in dry areas which experience low annual rainfall. However, Turcicum Leaf Blight (TLB) caused by Exserohilum turcicum ... -
Increasing leaf harvest intensity enhances edible leaf vegetable yields and decreases mature fruit yields in multi-purpose pumpkin.
(Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN), 2013-08)The popular Pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata Duchsene) in Kenya is the multi-purpose type, grown for its edible tender leaves, mature fruits and seeds. It requires appropriate management to realize high yields. Pumpkin is an ... -
Influence of Agriculture Advisory Services on Adoption of Sorghum Production Practices among Smallholder Farmers in Tharaka South Sub-County, Kenya
(Asian Journal of Agricultural Extension, Economics & Sociology, 2022-08-16)The development and dissemination of agricultural advisory services (AAS) amongst smallholder sorghum farmers (SHFs) has played a crucial role in sorghum yield improvement in Kenya. However, there is limited information ... -
Influence of Biozyme® on chlorophyll content, flowering and physiological maturity of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) cultivars
(2013-09-19)The study was conducted at Egerton University in 2010/2011 in a split plot experiment, arranged in a randomized complete block design. The research was replicated three times and repeated once. Main plots were assigned ... -
Influence of Farm’s Characteristics on Adoption of Eco-Friendly Farming Practices in Agroecosystems of Embu County, Kenya
(CRDEEP Journals, 2019-08)There is a close association between agriculture and the environment. Agriculture is one of the main economic activities that depends on and influences a number of environmental resources including water, land and ... -
(, 2021)Indigenous agricultural practices (IAPs) are environmentally and agriculturally sustainable. Among the widely applied IAPs include crop rotation, agroforestry, intercropping, organic manure application, and minimum tillage. ... -
Influence of Rhizobium Inoculation and Phosphate Rock Fertilizer Application on Growth and Yield Components of Green gram (Vigna radiata) in Tharaka-Nithi County, Kenya
(Asian Journal of Research in Crop Science, 2021-03-12)Green gram is an important drought tolerant grain legume crop in Kenya. In Tharaka Nithi County green gram is as a major source of food security. Hence, there is need for a cheap and sustainable system of agricultural ...