Effect of corporate risk management disclosure on financial performance of non-financial service firms listed at Nairobi Securities Exchange, Kenya

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Int. J. Business Continuity and Risk Management


The Kenyan investment community and other stakeholders lag behind America, Europe and Australia in terms of their willingness and ability to cross-examine sustainability reports for risk and financial modelling. This study consequently aimed at assessing the effect of corporate risk management disclosure on financial performance of listed firms in Kenya. Content analysis of sampled listed companies’ annual reports was undertaken to examine risk management disclosure practices. Casual research design was employed to determine the cause-effect relationship between risk management disclosure and financial performance. Target population of the study was 61 listed companies. The sample size was 32 listed companies. Coefficient of skewness was used to test the normality of data. Homoscedasticity and auto-correlation assumptions of the regression model were tested. Risk disclosure was found to have a positive but with no significant difference on mean financial performance. However, there is a strong significant relationship between risk disclosure and financial performance.


hkimathi@chuka.ac.ke jmasinde@chuka.ac.ke Int. J. Business Continuity and Risk Management, Vol. 7, No. 2, 2017


risk management disclosure, financial performance, non-financial firms, NSE.


Gatimbu, K.K., Kimathi, H. and Wabwire, J.M. (2017) ‘Effect of corporate risk management disclosure on financial performance of non-financial service firms listed at Nairobi Securities Exchange, Kenya’, Int. J. Business Continuity and Risk Management, Vol. 7, No. 2, pp.95–102.