Politeness Strategies Employed by Chuka University Students in their Social Media Discourse
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This article sheds light on the politeness strategies employed by Chuka University students in their
social media discourse using WhatsApp interaction platform. The four broad categories of politeness
strategies (Positive politeness, Negative politeness, Bald on record and Off- record strategies) as spelt by
Brown and Levison in their Politeness Theory were analysed using the data collected from the university
students conversations via their WhatsApp platforms. This study employed a qualitative research technique
and a descriptive research design. It utilized the snowball and purposive sampling procedures. Upon the
collection of the data, content analysis was done in order to analyse the politeness strategies inherent in the
discourse. The study revealed that university students strive to maintain cordial relationships by use of
positive politeness, and they normally avoid imposing on each other by use of negative politeness strategies.
Sometimes students use Off-record strategies in order to avoid being accused of committing a Face
Threatening Act (FTA), which is likely to ruin their relationships.
politeness strategies, Face Threatening act, social media discourse, quality face, social identity face.