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Chuka University


There exists substantial evidence of constant cattle raids and unrest between Samburu and Turkana in the now Samburu County. This study examined the the nature of conflict and the socio-economic implications of the conflict, the history and evolution of the conflict was examined. Studies have been conducted to evaluate the metamorphosis of the conflict between communities which took center stage slightly before and after Kenya attained independence. This was partially because of the demarcation of borders which separated ethnic groups unlike in the pre-colonial period where people could move freely from one region to another. Thus, the primary purpose of this study was to investigate the political-spiritual dimension of the conflict between Samburu and Turkana and its implications on socio-economic livelihood of Samburu County from 1962 to 2012. The objectives of the study were; to trace the nature of the political & spiritual dimension of the conflict between the Samburu and Turkana from 1962 to 2012, to analyze the socio-economic implications of the conflict between Samburu and Turkana in Samburu County, and to assess the reason for the persistence of conflict between Samburu and Turkana despite government intervention. The study used the Hobbesian theory of human nature and the conflict functionalist perspective by Lewis Coser to evaluate the nature of the political-spiritual dimension of conflict between the Samburu and Turkana, socio economic challenges, and proposed effective solutions to the conflict. The study was conducted in Samburu County, the study used non-probability purposive sampling procedure and snow-balling technique in choosing the respondents. The sample size was guided by the concept of data saturation where 38 respondents were interviewed. The study employed a descriptive research design. The use of interview guide helped collect data, after which it was subjected to qualitative data analysis. Data was also collected from existing primary and secondary sources which entailed analysis of political records, economic survey records and provincial administration records to supplement the ones obtained from interview guide. The study established the existence of the political-spiritual dimension of conflict between Samburu and Turkana communities. It also found out that there was enormous socio-economic effect on their livelihoods. The study showed that most of the community members in Samburu County were pastoralist with O level education since insecurity had affected school going children. It was found that Baragoi was the leading village in Samburu County where conflict took place for a long time, it had been known as the battle ground for the two communities. It was found that the Turkana had trespassed as far as south as the Seya River and the Kenya Land Commission recommended that they should be returned to Elbarta at a baraza that was carried out in Maralal. The study also found that, effective solution to the conflict between Turkana and Samburu had been implemented both by the local and the government. It was found discouraging of customary practices of collective communal initiation was to solve the conflict between the communities. Therefore, the study will be instrumental to the Government and policy-makers since it hinted how conflicts can be thwarted so that people can live harmoniously and social-economic developments and also proposed various effective solutions which if adopted peace can prevail among the Samburu and Turkana communities.


A Research Thesis Submitted to the Graduate School in Partial Fulfillment for the Requirements for the Award of Degree of Master of Arts in History of Chuka University


