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Item Assessment of Heavy Metals Contaminants in Nkenye Stream in Meru South, Kenya(Journal of Environmental Sustainability Advancement Research, 2022) Kithaka, S. C.; Njagi, E. C.; Njagi J.Access to portable water remains a major global concern due to its dimishing supply and increasing and competiting demand. Water scarcity is aggrevated by the increasing pollution from different sources. Nkenye stream in Meru South is depended upon source of water for domestic, agriculture and agricultural processing, Nonetheless, little attention has been accorded to ascertain the quality of its water despite of the stream being located in an urban area with high exposure to pollutants. Pressure on Nkenye wetlands ecosystem that habour Nkenye stream has seen major destruction of riparian leaving just few plant communities such as Commelina banghalensis whose water purification potential is not well known. A study was conducted to determine water quality of Nkenye stream. Samples were collected at designated locations using ecological survey method and taken to Chuka University for analysis. Macrophyte roots were cleaned and dried then powdered and digested using nitric acid. Sediment samples were dried, ground to pass a 2 mm non-metal sieve.The digested samples were diluted and analyzed using atomic absorption spectrometry model PG990 at Chuka University. The concentration of anions was determined by ion chromatography at Chuka University Chemistry laboratory. The results obtained from the field and laboratory were analyzed by General linear model (GLM) on Statistical analysis system (SAS) version 9.4 and significance means separated by Least significance difference (LSD) [alpha = 0.05]. The results showed that Nkenye stream is polluted with iron, copper and lead. However, the concentration of iron and copper were within the allowable concentrations for potable water by the World Health Organization while lead was slightly higher by 0.02 ppm. The results obtained were analyzed by General linear model (GLM) on Statistical analysis system (SAS) version 9.4 and significance means separated by Least significance difference (LSD) [alpha = 0.05]. The metals contaminants observed in the Nkenye stream water, sediments and root samples may be associated with discharge of wastes from Chuka town particularly wastes from car wash, garages and from farms that surround the stream and the wetland. Considerable amount of lead, copper and iron was observed in the root samples of Commelina banghalensis. This is an indication that Commelina banghalensisfo can be used can be used for the removal of contaminants from water. Local authorities should provide waste management disposal systems and policies that prohibit direct discharge of untreated effluents into the stream.Item Solid Waste Management Practices at Egerton University,Njoro C ampus and the Community Around(Chuka University, 2018-07-11) Kariuki ,J.M.Soi,B. Mutio, A.N.Kinyanjui,D.N.The purpose of this study was to characterise existing solid waste management practices in the study area. StudyDesign:Thestudywasacross-sectionalsurvey Place and Duration:It was carried out between January – May 2009 within Egerton University, Njoro campus and the community around it, all within Njoro division. Methodology:Thesamplecomprised220respondentsthatweredrawnfromtenants,farmersand the business community. A semi-structured questionnaire was used to gather quantitative data which was analysed using frequency tables by the Statistical Package for Social Sciencessoftware. Results:The study established that use of open dumpsite as the final disposal option was done within the University as well as for the community around the university. Open dumps and waste pits near living areas were fairly common outside the university but very rare within the University. Whereaswastecollectionwascommonintheuniversity,it wasrareoutsidetheUniversity.Waste burning was fairly common outside the university with more than 70% of the business people and the tenants burning their waste whereas tenants and students within the University never burnttheir waste.Waste minimisation practices like shopping witha durable bag were practiced by over 50%oftherespondents.Wasteseparation,practicedby36%oftherespondentswasnotpracticed for environmental reasons but to extract materials that were still useful. Conclusion:wastemanagementwithintheuniversitywasbetterduetothepresenceof waste collection and centralised disposal which were lacking in the community outside the universityItem Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis Niloticus Linnaeus, 1758) Culture in Kenya: Emerging Production Technologies and Socio-Economic Impacts On Local Livelihoods(John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2022-05-22) Munguti, Jonathan M.; Rita Nairuti Jacob O. Iteba Kevin O. Obiero Domitila Kyule Mary A. Opiyo Jacob Abwao James G. Kirimi Nicholas Outa Mavindu Muthoka Cecilia M Githukia Erick O. OgelloNile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) is one of the most farmed fish globally, with a significant contribution improving local livelihoods, especially in developing countries. Nile tilapia was first cultured in Kenya in 1924 and is the most cultured fish species. Annually, O. niloticus accounts for 62% (∼15,000 tonnes) of total aquaculture production. Although O. niloticusis the most preferred cultured fish, its culture faces challenges, for example, early maturation due to prolific breeding behaviour leading to stunted growth that limits its culture and profitability among smallholder farmers. With the surging demand for locally farmed fish, innovative technologies have emerged to boost aquaculture production. Donor and public research-funded projects, for instance, the Kenya Climate Smart Agriculture Project, are validating various aquaculture technologies, innovations and management practices (TIMPs) to achieve ‘triple wins’ of increased fish production, improved resilience and reduced greenhouse gas emissions. In addition, the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)-funded Aquaculture Business Development Programme aims at commercialising aquaculture to improve local livelihoods. In this study, we adopt a scoping review methodology to review and synthesise published literature on tilapia culture in Kenya to explore current and emerging tilapia production technologies and document their socio-economic impacts on farmers’ livelihoods. These emerging innovative technologies range from culture systems, for example, biofloc, periphyton, fingerpond technology, integrated aquaculture, breeding and genetics (selective breeding), fish health and biosecurity measures, to post-harvest loss reduction, value addition and marketing. The study findings reveal that the technologies have great potential to increase tilapia production and profitability and positively impact the local livelihoods of smallholder fish farmers through employment creation, economic growth and better nutritionItem Causes of Environmental Degradation in Chuka Igambang`Ombe Sub-County, Kenya(Journal of Environmental Sciences and Technology, 2024-05-09) Sarah Kagendo Gitonga(1) ; Dickson Nkonge Kagema(2) ; Jonathan Kathenge(3This study investigated the causes of environmental degradation in Chuka Igambang’ombe Sub-County, Tharaka Nithi County, Kenya. Environmental degradation, characterised by deforestation, pollution, and soil erosion, poses significant threats to ecosystems and human well-being. Environmental challenges persist despite the Catholic Church's active participation in conservation efforts such as tree planting, river rehabilitation, soil conservation, and awareness campaigns. Identifying the underlying factors is crucial for developing effective interventions. The study employed a descriptive survey design targeting a population of 15,574 Church members. A sample size of 389 participants was selected, including ten priests, ten development committee members, 86 youths, 98 members of the Catholic Men Association (CMA), and 175 members of the Catholic Women Association (CWA). Data was collected through interviews and questionnaires and analysed using descriptive statistics. The findings revealed that deforestation, pollution, improper waste disposal, overgrazing, lack of environmental knowledge, and encroachment on natural habitats were crucial factors contributing to environmental degradation in the region. The study concludes that these factors and inadequate management strategies exacerbate degradation. It is recommended that the government and stakeholders enforce stricter regulations against deforestation, promote environmental education, and enhance waste management practices to mitigate these effectsItem Climate Variability and Its Impacts on Wildlife Ecosystems: A Study of Meru Conservation Area, Kenya(Journal of Natural Sciences Research, 2018-04-18) Edwin KiriaClimate variability is currently a major concern not only to conservationist but also to several other disciplines such agriculture and production sectors. The world’s climate continues to change at rates that are projected to be unprecedented in recent human history. Climate change adds to the impact of land use change on species and ecosystems. Rising temperatures, rainfall variability, and new climatic regimes pose threats to biodiversity and human livelihoods alike. A study conducted at Meru Conservation area, Kenya established that that has been a climate variability which has over time affected wildlife populations, wildlife ecosystems and human livelihoods within and around the protected areas. This has however exposed wildlife conservation at a higher risk due to continuous loss of preferred habitats, movement corridors, dispersal areas and population decline.Item Climate Variability and Its Impacts on Wildlife Ecosystems: A Study of Meru Conservation Area, Kenya(Journal of Natural Sciences Research, 2018-03-16) Edwin KiriaClimate variability is currently a major concern not only to conservationist but also to several other disciplines such agriculture and production sectors. The world’s climate continues to change at rates that are projected to be unprecedented in recent human history. Climate change adds to the impact of land use change on species and ecosystems. Rising temperatures, rainfall variability, and new climatic regimes pose threats to biodiversity and human livelihoods alike. A study conducted at Meru Conservation area, Kenya established that that has been a climate variability which has over time affected wildlife populations, wildlife ecosystems and human livelihoods within and around the protected areas. This has however exposed wildlife conservation at a higher risk due to continuous loss of preferred habitats, movement corridors, dispersal areas and population decline. Keywords: Climate Variability, Wildlife Populations, Wildlife Ecosystems, Human LivelihoodsItem Spatiotemporal trajectories of invasive tree species reveal theimportance of collective action for successful invasionmanagement(Informa UK Limited, 2022-10-02) Adoyo, Beatrice; Schaffner, Urs; Mukhovi, Stellah; Kiteme, Boniface; Mbaabu, Purity Rima; Eckert, Sandra; Choge, Simon; Ehrensperger, AlbrechtBiological invasions are complex processes requiring coordinated andspatially targeted management. This study assessed spatiotemporal tra-jectories and determinants of Prosopis cover in Baringo County, Kenya.Land cover data for every seven years between 1988 and 2016 revealedthe presence of Prosopis. We tested for trajectory clusters using spatialautocorrelation and overlaid the trajectory categories with landscapefeatures. Generally, most plots were only temporarily managed or notmanaged at all, while continuous management of Prosopis occurredmainly near rivers and on plots suitable for cultivation. Parcels within250 m from roads, which are dispersal pathways for Prosopis seeds, wererarely cleared of Prosopis. We conclude that successful managementrequires incentives for stakeholders’ engagement in collective manage-ment action at a landscape level. Trajectory mapping should be integratedinto planning tools to foster the prioritization of timely and context-specific response mechanisms.Item Impacts of Covid-19 Pandemic and Adaptive Strategies to Build Resilience in the Kenyan Aquaculture Sector(ScienceOpen, 2022-10-08) Jonathan Munguti, Jacob O. Iteba, Nicholas Outa, James G. Kirimi, Daniel Mungai, Domitila Kyule, Kevin Obiero, Erick O. OgelloThis study examines the impacts of Covid-19 pandemic and adaptive strategies to build resilience among stakeholders and actors in the aquaculture value chain in Kenya. Prior to the pandemic, Kenya's aquaculture sector had progressed from a minor player to a key component of the country's fish food system. Fish and fishery products have become the most heavily traded food commodity in Kenyan markets. The results indicate that the pandemic had major impacts on the access to aquaculture inputs, fish trade, and socio-economic livelihoods of the aquaculture value chain stakeholders and actors during the two whole years. Thus, initial and longer-term adaptive measures, in particular by private sector players and government agencies can contribute to building resilience to multiple shocks and stressors among stakeholders and actors in the aquaculture sector. Some of the measures include government incentive package to overcome the damage to the fisheries and aquaculture sector, improve farming operations and win market trusts and adoption of new methods such as intelligent sensors, camera systems and automated or remotely controlled monitoring/feeding strategies to reduce labour intensity. Such measures and policies can cushion the sector against future shocks occasioned by such pandemics.Item Influence of variation in biophysical factors on tree species structure and composition in Kapseret forest, Uasin Gishu county, Kenya(Journal of Environmental Sustainability Advancement Research, 2022) Kutuny, G. K.; Njeru, J. R.; Mutuma, E.Forests are important for survival and development of human and other fauna. However, they are under degradation due to changes in biophysical factors which affects tree species structure and composition. Understanding these variations and their influence on tree species structure and composition guides conservation of forest. This study aimed at assessing the influence of variation in biophysical factors on tree species structure and composition. Ecological survey was used whereby, tree species and soil samples were studied from 12 sample plots identified through stratified sampling techniques within Kapseret forest. Tree species were enumerated and recorded by species name and Diameter at Breast Height (DBH), those with ≥3m height and DBH > 9.5 cm were classified as trees, while those with ≤3m height and less than DBH ≤ 9.5cm were recorded as saplings. Tree species attributes assessed included: tree DBH and diversity, while biophysical variables measured were: soil organic carbon (SOC), soil texture, phosphorous and potassium. A total of 148 tree species were identified with 62.16% being saplings while 35.14% were mature trees. The CCA results indicated positive correlation between tree species diversity with variation in biophysical factors, the presence of gaps with high P levels were associated with majority of the saplings, however, the DBH class distribution did not indicate an inverse J-shape portraying high degradation. The tree species-biophysical factors should therefore be utilized with other environmental factors such as topography,light intensity,temperature and wind when planning and choosing species for rehabilitation and restoration of degraded landscapes.Item Effects of Potassium Application on Yield, Protein and Oil Content of Selected Soybean Varieties in Trans Nzoia County, Kenya(Research International, 2023-06-12) Kimkung Sam Kibet a*, Gathungu Geofrey Kingori a and Muraya Moses Mahuguseed weight, grain yield, protein and oil content. Data collected was subjected to analysis of variance using Statistical Analysis System version 9.3 and significantly different means separated using Least Significance Difference at α = 0.05. Application of potassium at the rate of 67.5 kg K2O ha-1 resulted to higher number of pods per plant and number of seeds per plant at 78.97 and 243.40, and 44.47 and 141.20 in the varieties DPSB19 and Gazelle, while in SB24 higher recording of 51.23 and 162.40 was observed with 22.5 kg K2O ha-1 . The higher 1000-seed weight was recorded in 22.5 kg K2O ha-1 in DPSB19 and Gazelle varieties, while for SB24 it was recorded in 67.5 kg K2O ha-1 . The highest grain yield recorded was 9156.45 kg per ha, in DPSB19 in 22.5 kg K2O ha-1 , 4517. 67.5 kg per ha in Gazelle variety in 67.5 kg K2O ha-1 and 6432.78 kg per ha in SB24 variety in 22.5 kg K2O ha-1 . The higher percentage oil content was observed in 45 K2O kg ha1 in DPSB19 (28.48%) and SB24 (23.38%) varieties, and in 22.5 kg K2O ha-1 in Gazelle (19.38%) variety and the higher percentage protein content was recorded in 45 K2O kg ha-1 in DPSB19 (42.99%) and Gazelle (40.56%), and in 45 K2O kg ha-1 in SB24 (48.87%). These findings show that soybean farmers should apply potassium fertilizer for appropriate growth, increased yield, protein and oil content in different soybean varieties. It is recommended that application of potassium at 67.5 kg K2O ha-1 be done for better soybean growth, yield and protein content and application of potassium at 45 kg K2O ha-1 is done for high oil content.Item Assessment of benthic macroinvertebrates as bio indicators of water quality in river Naka, Chuka, Tharaka-Nithi, Kenya(Journal of Environmental Sustainability Advancement Research, 2022) Chamia, L. K.; Kutuny, G. K.Freshwater ecosystems worldwide have been progressively deteriorating leading to a decrease in aquatic biodiversity. Conventionally, evaluation of water quality uses single physical-chemical parameters which may be insufficient to fully assess the quality of freshwaters. This study used bio-indicators to assess water quality of River Naka in Tharaka-Nithi County, Kenya. Fluvial ecosystems support rich and diverse assemblages, making them vulnerable to possible alterations in the habitat. The study assessed the diversity and abundance of benthic macroinvertebrate communities and their use as bioindicators of water quality. Grab sampling was used to collect water samples, a kick sampler and D-frame aquatic net was used to collect 121 benthic macroinvertebrates from three selected sites and determined using EPT Index (Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera group). The data obtained was used to determine the index of the sampling sites. Physico-chemical factors were analyzed in-situ (temperature, turbidity and pH) and in the laboratory(nitrates and phosphates). The highest EPT index values (28) at the upstream corresponded to good water quality, while the slightly low values (21) at the midstream indicated moderate water quality and the lowest values (15) recorded at the downstream showed fair water quality. The downstream water quality parameters exceeded World Health Organization limits, posing a health risk to water consumers. Continuous bio-assessment of rivers based on EPT biotic indicators should be conducted on a regular basis to establish a long-term profile of water quality state and ecological integrity of rivers.Item Variation in Temperature and Nutrient Source Influence the Growth of Exserohilum Turcicum Mycelia Isolated from Sorghum(Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research, 2019) O. Ogolla, Fredrick; M. Muraya, Moses; O. Onyango, BensonTurcicum leaf blight (TLB) caused by the fungus Exserohilum turcicum is a serious threat to production of maize and sorghum, since it damages photosynthetic leaves. Growth and development of E. turcicum pathogen is influenced by factors such as light, temperature, dew period, plant age and inoculums concentration. Tharaka Nithi county in Eastern Kenya where sorghum is actively grown has heterogenous climatic and edaphic conditions. It is currently unclear if variations in temperature and media type may influence growth, development and virulence of Exserohilum turcicum. Thus, this study was carried out to investigate the effect of media type and different temperature variations on the growth and development of mycelia of E. turcicum isolates from Tharaka Nithi county in Kenya. Results showed that the effect of temperature was significantly differences for development of E. turcicum (Pr < 0.05) mycelia. Media type had significant effect on growth of E. turcicum isolates (p<0.05). Corn meal agar with mean of 4.233 cm was the best growth media followed by Malt extract agar at 3.3200 cm, while the most preferential (p<0.05) temperature for mycelia growth was 30 oC. The study recommends in cooperation of wider environmental factors in future studies involving TLB pathogen from Tharaka Nithi county.Item Assessment of Rhizobia Strains Isolates of Soils around Lake Victoria Basin for their Effectiveness in Nodulation and Symbiotic Efficiency on Soybeans and Bambara Groundnuts(International Journal of Environment, Agriculture and Biotechnology (IJEAB), 2019-10) Onyango O. Benson; Ogolla O. FredrickThe symbiotic Biological nitrogen fixation (SBNF) is a sustainable and low-cost alternative to expensive and inaccessible inorganic fertilizers. However, SBNF is underutilized in soils of Lake Victoria basin due to insufficient information on local rhizobial strains diversity and their N-fixation efficiency. This study was carried out to assess the effectiveness of rhizobium strains isolates of Kisumu, Port Victoria, Kendu bay and Karungu soils within Lake Victoria basin in nodulation and symbiotic efficiency on soybeans and bambara groundnuts. Two bambara seeds of groundnut landraces; Kakamega Cream (KAKC) and Busia Brown (BUSB) used in this study were collected from farmers in Kakamega and Busia counties respectively. Screen house experiment was performed at Kenya Forestry Research (KEFRI) in plastic pots with four seeds of each cultivar which was later thinned to two plants. Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) was used. Experiments data were subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA) using Genstat 16th Edition and significant means separated using Least Significant Difference at [LSD5%] and Dancun Multiple Range Test (DMRT). Result indicated highly significant (p<0.05) effect of isolate inoculation on number of nodules per plant. Soybean Variety SB19 formed effective nodules with rhizobia in the genera Bradyrhizobium, Rhizobium and Agrobacterium. On the other hand, ‘Safari’ was quite selective and formed very few nodules with isolates identified as Bradyrhizobium. However, both varieties SB19 and ‘Safari’ had better growth under glasshouse inoculation with Bradyrhizobium spp., rhizobia isolates although one Rhizobium isolate (SoyKis1) resulted in good nodulation of both varieties. Seed treatment of the two legumes with some isolates resulted in improved nodulation and better plant growth; in some instances, outperforming the commercial strain Bradyrhizobium japonicum USDA110. In conclusion, Isolates BAMKis12, BAMKis8, BAMKis4, BAMKbay8 and SoyKar2 were found to be potential elite strains and are recommended for more host range tests as viable inoculants sources.Item Bacteriological Water Quality Assessment Of Nkenye Stream In Meru South In Tharaka Nithi County, Kenya(Research journali, 2020-02) Kithaka Samson Chabari; Erick C. Njagi; Adiel Magana; Fredrick O. OgollaAccess to portable water remains a major global concern due to increased rate of water pollution contributed for by climate change and human. Destruction of riparian zones has exposed the rivers and streams to toxic and pathogenic pollutants released from untreated organic and inorganic waste. Exposure of river and stream used for drinking water to pollution is detrimental to aquatic plants, animals, and human consumers who depends on such valuable ecosystem. Nkenye stream that originates from Nkenye wetlands in Chuka, Meru South provide water that is used in fish ponds, irrigation and water for domestic use in homestead. Despite of the significance of Nkenye stream, little attention has been accorded to ascertain its water quality given its location. Study was conducted to determine the bacteriological water quality of Nkenye stream based on the feacal and total coliform count. Samples were collected at designated locations using ecological survey method and taken to Chuka University for evaluation. Coliform analysis of water samples was done by most probable number method using Macconkey purple broth at botany laboratory, Chuka University. The results of coliform counts obtained were subjected to the analysis of variance using General linear model (GLM) on Statistical analysis system (SAS) version 9.4. The significance coliform means were separated by Least significance difference (LSD) [alpha = 0.05]. Feacal coliform count of Nkenye stream did not conform to WHO standards of 0 cfu/100 ml as the mean of 10 cfu/100 ml was observed for the entire stream. The occurrences of these bacteria in water indicate water deterioration and the presence of many water-borne pathogens that needs immediate attention. The study recommends that local authorities particularly Tharaka Nithi county government should provide waste management disposal systems and policies that prohibit direct discharge of untreated effluents to Nkenye stream.Item Determination Of Effect Of Land Use On Distribution And Abundance Of Ground Dwelling Macro Invertebrates In Kirimiri Forest In Embu County, Kenya(International Journal of Advanced Research and Publications, 2020-03) Clifton Omondi; Fredrick O. Ogolla; Christopher OdhiamboGround dwelling macro invertebrates are essential for soil functions and other significant ecological process such as nutrient cycling. The distribution and ecological role of crawling macro invertebrates may be influenced by anthropogenic factors. Human factors such as deforestation and agricultural activities that destroy the habitat pose great threat for the survival of macro invertebrates. Most of the natural ecosystems including forests in Kenya have been encroached, segmented and reduced in size by the rapidly growing population. However, studies on the impact of such destructive activities on the abundance and distribution of ground dwelling macro invertebrates are limited. Thus, there exist information gap on macro invertebrate composition and their distribution in different ecosystem and habitat segments in Kenya. Such studies are necessary in generating knowledge and creating wholesome understanding to facilitate policy making, habitat management and conservation of crawling macro invertebrates. Based on the above highlights, this study was conducted to determine the effect of land use on the distribution and abundance of ground dwelling macro invertebrate in Kirimiri forest in Embu County, Kenya between January and April 2016. The Napier grass plantation, Tea plantation and indigenous intact forest were evaluated for their macro invertebrates. In every habitat studied, crawling macro invertebrates were caught using the pit fall traps set in 50 m by 50 m grid subdivided into six rows at equidistance gap of 8 m. The pit holes comprised of 60 (250 ml capacity) clear plastic containers filled with 30 ml mixture of ethanol and liquid soap. Macro invertebrates were identified using their morphometric features and then stored in 70 % Ethanol for further laboratory identification at the National museums of Kenya headquarter in Nairobi, Kenya. The data collected was analyzed using Scientific Analysis System (SAS) version 9.4 and significance means separated using Least Significance Difference (SLD). The indigenous intact forest recorded the highest mean of macro invertebrates with family of Polydesmidae being the most abundant (mean=17.33). Tea plantation had the second largest mean (4.59) of macro invertebrates, and the family Gryllidae was the most abundant group with mean of 12.667. Napier grass plantation had a mean of 3.94 and the family Platydesmidae was the most abundant group (mean=12.833). The disparity in abundance and distribution of terrestrial macro invertebrate observed in this study may have resulted from micro climate and microenvironment shift influenced by human activity along and within the forest.Item BACTERIOLOGICAL QUALITY STATUS OF BOREHOLES WATER IN THARAKA NITHI COUNTY, KENYA(Abjournals, 2020) Fredrick O. Ogolla; Kithaka Samson Chabari; Jedidah Karimi KariukiWater shortage that is caused by long droughts and higher cost of accessing piped water have forced many households in Kenya to opt for wells and borehole water. Where they are used, boreholes are exposed to contamination by pathogenic microorganisms from nearby toilets, defecation from domesticated animals and surface runoff. Despite of known health concerns of consuming contaminated water, many rural residents still consume borehole water whose portability is not determined and may not meet WHO standards. Thus, this study was conducted in Tharaka Nithi County to assess bacterial quality status of selected boreholes in Maara, Igamba Ngombe and Tharaka Constituencies between April to September 2019. A total of 108 water samples were collected from 36 boreholes. Boreholes in Mukothima within Tharaka area were not collected as the ones accessed were dry at the time of sampling. The samples were analyzed at Chuka University using most probable number methods, Plate count and bacteria species identified using selected biochemical methods. Data (MPN) for total and feacal coliform for different location of study and boreholes were log transformed (log10 (cfu+3) and compared using general linear method in SAS. Significance means were separated using least significant difference post hoc test in SAS version 9.4. Number of bacteria isolated from water samples were also compared using general linear model. Feacal coliform values exceeding WHO recommendation of (0 CFU/ 100 ml was observed in all borehole surveyed. Mean MPN value of 17.5/ 100 ml CFU was observed in Kawangware. Coliform bacteria E. coli, Bacillus spp, Klebsiella spp were isolated in all the water sampled. However, E. coli followed by Bacillus spp were higher compared to the rest of isolates. Occurrence of these bacteria in borehole water put the health of depended consumers at risk of infection.Item Influence of Resource Mobilization Strategies on Promotion of Sustainable Water Projects in Tana Catchment Area, Kenya(Centre for Democracy, Research and Development (CEDRED), 2019-08) Mworia, Lilian Mukiri; Sande, Dr. Anne; Kiboro, Dr. ChristopherWater management initiatives have been launched around the world with the aim to conserve and safeguard the water resources for future generations. In Kenya, Water Resource Users Associations (WRUAs) are involved in water management at the local level. The Associations were created by the Water Act 2002 and their roles revised in Water Act 2016. Although the WRUAs have been in existence for more than a decade, water flow in the river basins is decreasing. This study examined WRUAs resource mobilization strategies on the promotion of sustainable water projects. Institutional support was used as a moderating variable. The study was anchored on the theory of Common Pool Resource Management. The convergent research design was used in the study. A sample of 377 respondents comprising of 5 officers of the Water Resource Authority, 48 WRUA committee members, 324 water users were selected using cluster, purposive and random sampling techniques. Questionnaires and interview guide were used in data collection. Cronbach’s Alpha Co-efficient test of reliability was 0.730. The data obtained was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 20.0. Hierarchical Regression model was constructed at 5% level of significance. The study established a significant relationship between resource mobilization and sustainability of water projects for users, executive committee members and combined data. The findings also showed statistically insignificant moderation effect of institutional support on the relationship between resource mobilization and sustainability of water projects with the interaction terms for users, executive committee members and combined data respectively. In conclusion, WRUAs had inadequate resources to implement their strategies. The study recommends that WRUAs should leverage on mobilizing support from all stakeholders to mobilize resources in order to promote sustainable water projects.Item Application of Seasonal Autoregressive Moving Average Models to Analysis and Forecasting of Time Series Monthly Rainfall Patterns in Embu County, Kenya(Asian Journal of Probability and Statistics, 2019-08-19) Filder, Tartisio Njoki; Muraya, Moses Mahugu; Mutwiri, Robert MathengeRainfall is of critical importance for many people, particularly those whose livelihoods depend on rainfed agriculture. Predicting the trend of rainfall is a difficult task, and statistical approaches such as time series analysis provide a means for predicting the patterns of rainfall. The models also offer the potential to improve areas such as increased food production, profitability, and improved food security policing. However, these forecasts and information systems may, in some instances, not be suitable for direct use by stakeholders in their decision-making. The objective of this study was to investigate rainfall variability and develop a Seasonal Auto-Regressive Integrated Moving Average (SARIMA) model for fitting the monthly rainfall using time series data. Secondary monthly data from 1998 to 2017 for Embu County was collected from the Kenya Meteorological Department, Embu and recorded into an excel sheet. R-software was utilized to analyse data for descriptive statistics, rainfall variability, and model fitting. The coefficient of variation for annual and seasonal rainfall was calculated. The Box Jenkin's ARIMA modelling procedure (model identification, model estimation, model validation) was used to determine the best models for the data. The main study findings indicated the existence of annual variability of 34%, March-April-May rainfall variability of 44%, and October-November-December variability of 44%. A first-order differenced SARIMA (1, 1, 1) (0, 1, 2)12 model with an AIC score of 9.99356 was found suitable for predicting rainfall pattern in Embu, County. The study outcome revealed that Embu County experiences high seasonal and rainfall variation of rainfall, thus requires a reliable model for better prediction.Item Spatial-Temporal Assessment of Forest Rehabilitation along Mt. Kenya East Forest Buffer Zone Using Remote Sensing and GIS(Journals Pub., 2019) Kinoti, Kibetu Dickson; Mwende, Kiambi MilliamNationwide ban on harvesting of forest products in 1999 was meant to enhance regeneration of forest resources in the country. Restocking was then started to aid in rehabilitating degraded forests through tree planting initiatives coordinated by the Kenya Forest Services. One of the most affected forests then was Mt. Kenya Forest, an important montane forest and one of the country’s water towers due to its endemic tree species (Ocotea Usambarensis) as well as biodiversity habitation. Dense population settlements along the forest borderline especially on the eastern slopes of this mountain (Nyanyo Tea Zones) exacerbate the very challenges of illegal and selective logging. Despite concerted management and planning efforts to salvage this important forest cover, comprehensive mapping to evaluate effects of restocking after the logging ban and series of extensive rehabilitation programs along the Nyanyo Tea Zones buffer strip has not been carried out. To address these gaps, this study sought to remote sensely monitor progress of rehabilitation efforts undertaken by the state between 2011 and 2018, duration coinciding with implementation period for the ten year Mt. Kenya strategic management plan of 2010-2020. Integrating geospatial knowledge and methods in mapping forest rehabilitation progress has revealed mixed stories of success and failed restocking along the extensive 187km border stretch covered by in this study. This study proposes adoption of Conservation Action Planning (CAP) approach in developing future ecological management programs and strategic plans for forest ecosystems in the countryItem Application of Seasonal Autoregressive Moving Average Models to Analysis and Forecasting of Time Series Monthly Rainfall Patterns in Embu County, Kenya(Asian Journal of Probability and Statistics, 2019-08-19) Filder, Tartisio Njoki; Muraya, Moses Mahugu; Mutwiri, Robert MathengeRainfall is of critical importance for many people, particularly those whose livelihoods depend on rainfed agriculture. Predicting the trend of rainfall is a difficult task, and statistical approaches such as time series analysis provide a means for predicting the patterns of rainfall. The models also offer the potential to improve areas such as increased food production, profitability, and improved food security policing. However, these forecasts and information systems may, in some instances, not be suitable for direct use by stakeholders in their decision-making. The objective of this study was to investigate rainfall variability and develop a Seasonal Auto-Regressive Integrated Moving Average (SARIMA) model for fitting the monthly rainfall using time series data. Secondary monthly data from 1998 to 2017 for Embu County was collected from the Kenya Meteorological Department, Embu and recorded into an excel sheet. R-software was utilized to analyse data for descriptive statistics, rainfall variability, and model fitting. The coefficient of variation for annual and seasonal rainfall was calculated. The Box Jenkin's ARIMA modelling procedure (model identification, model estimation, model validation) was used to determine the best models for the data. The main study findings indicated the existence of annual variability of 34%, March-April-May rainfall variability of 44%, and October-November-December variability of 44%. A first-order differenced SARIMA (1, 1, 1) (0, 1, 2)12 model with an AIC score of 9.99356 was found suitable for predicting rainfall pattern in Embu, County. The study outcome revealed that Embu County experiences high seasonal and rainfall variation of rainfall, thus requires a reliable model for better prediction.