Religious Studies

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    (Chuka University, 2022-09) WAMBUGU, PETER
    The purpose of the study was to investigate the dynamics of Anglican Development Services (ADS) of the Anglican Church in enhancing Community Development (CD) in Kenya. The ADS since its inception has been involved in sectors such as agriculture, education, climate change, environment, healthcare, gender, human rights, poverty alleviation, peace building and justice, food security, economic empowerment, advocacy, water and sanitation, HIV/AIDS, capacity development and governance with the aim of improving the livelihood of the community. However, despite mitigation programs by the ADS in enhancing CD in Kenya, the community has consistently experienced the problem of inequalities, depraved governance, corruption, poverty, tribalism, poor health, unemployment and forms of under development, thus necessitating this study. The objectives of the study were: To establish the biblical and theological basis for church involvement in community development; to analyze the organizational policies of Anglican Development Services in enhancing community development in Kenya; to investigate the strategies employed by Anglican Development Services in enhancing community development in Kenya; and to establish the challenges facing Anglican Development Services in enhancing community development in Kenya. The study was carried out in four Anglican Development Services regions in Kenya namely: Pwani, Eastern, Mount Kenya East and NAIKA (Nairobi, Kajiado and All Saints). The Theory of Reconstruction Theology (RT) advanced by Jesse N.K Mugambi was applied based on the process of social reconstruction as a paradigm for CD. Descriptive survey research design was used and a sample of 330 respondents gotten from a target population of 1,827 was employed. The data was collected using questionnaires, interviews, and Focus Group Discussions (FGDs). Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 26 computer software was used to analyze the quantitative data using descriptive statistics, such as frequency and percentages in accordance with the study's objectives. Thematic analysis was done on qualitative data. The findings illustrated that the biblical and theological basis for church involvement in community development was highly valued. It was demonstrated that ADS has both policies and well founded strategies for enhancing community development. However, a number of challenges were discovered to be impeding the process of implementing of development initiatives and programs. To improve on the sustainability of community development within the targeted areas, it is recommended that more effort be made to disseminate biblical and theological teachings to educate communities about the wholistic mission of the church. In order to improve the sustainability of the development programs for the benefit of communities, beneficiary communities and community development partners should be appropriately engaged and well informed about the tenets, mission and strategic plans of ADS programs and projects. ADS target recipients should be expanded through conscientization process, goal oriented empowerment and transformative participatory approach, with the most vulnerable members of the community receiving priority. Suitable mitigating measures should be implemented to address the challenges encountered to ensure that the community and all stakeholders contribute to the achievement of the ADS community development objectives. From the study, it was confirmed that the ADS stands as a platform for socio transformation within the life stream of the people through community development. The study will make contribution to knowledge in religious studies, theology and related disciplines.
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    Assessment of Peace Building Strategies Employed by The Presbyterian Church of East Africa in Enhancing Inter-Ethnic Harmony in Kenya
    (Chuka University, 2019-09) Mwamba, Julius Guantai
    Ethnic conflicts remain the biggest setback to the development of many African nations and Kenya is not an exception. The Church has a mandate to make use of her divine mission in building peace and fostering reconciliation in the society. In response the PCEA initiated several peace building strategies aimed at enhancing inter-ethnic harmony in Kenya. Despite the Church in Kenya playing a great role in the promotion of harmony, ethnic conflicts continue to escalate in various parts of the country. This study therefore investigated the efficacy of peace building strategies of Presbyterian Church of East Africa in enhancing inter-ethnic harmony in selected in Kenya. The study adopted a descriptive survey research design. The study target population was 1,624,345 PCEA members in Nakuru west, Nakuru east, Njoro, Elburgon, Laikipia, Eldoret and Mombasa presbyteries where inter-ethnic conflicts are dominant. Purposive and simple random sampling techniques were used to select 384 respondents comprising of 342 church members, 38 church elders and 14 church ministers. The instruments for data collection were questionnaires for the Church elders and members, structured interview guide for Church ministers and focus group discussions for inter-ethnic violence victims. Piloting involving 76 respondents was done in from Nakuru East presbytery. Using Spearman Brown Prediction formula by split half technique, a reliability coefficient of 0.71 and 0.74 were realised for the questionnaires for church members and church elders, respectively. This was accepted because an alpha value of 0.7 and above is considered adequate for making accurate group inferences. Religious studies and other experts from the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of Chuka University ascertained the validity of the instruments. Data was analysed using descriptive statistics with help of the statistical package of social sciences (SPSS) version 21.0 for windows and presented in frequency distribution tables. This study found that radicalization, imperialism; ideological polarization and inter-communal violence being increased by competition over the fruits of devolution and elite manipulation of local communities were the major emerging issues responsible for inter-ethnic conflicts. It also established that the use of sermons, pastoral care and counselling, Bible study, peace building workshops, prayer movements, mainstreaming of Church standing groups; policy development by the General Assembly, lobbying and having a peace desk have seldom achieved much in fostering inter-ethnic harmony in Kenya. The study suggested the church needs to intensify recruitment and training of peace agents through seminars and workshops to enhance their competency and hence enhance effectiveness. The study concluded that that the PCEA’s involvement in peace building had Biblical, pastoral and theological justification. The findings of the study will assist policy makers to develop effective community-based programmes to mitigate ethnic conflict and also contribute to knowledge in the area of morality and religion. The findings may also be used by religious bodies keen to promote religious teachings aimed at advocating sound moral values and ethics among members of the society. The findings may provide valuable empirical data to Non-Governmental Organizations working in collaboration with the Church to provide community based tailored approaches to fight ethnic violence.