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Item RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE AND PSYCHOLOGICAL WELLBEING AMONG CLERGY IN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES IN KENYA(Chuka University, 2023-10) KAUGI FREDRICK GITONGAThe purpose of this study was to establish the relationship between Emotional Intelligence and psychological wellbeing of Presbyterian clergy in Kenya. The study was guided by the following objectives; to establish the relationship between self-awareness, self-regulation, empathy, social skill and psychological wellbeing of Presbyterian clergy in Kenya. This study used a descriptive survey design of research. The target population for this study was all the 874 clergy, consisting of the ministers and pairing Elders. From a sample of 874, a sample size of 176 clergy comprising of 88 ministers and 88 pairing elders was selected for the study. Purposive sampling was used to identify the parish ministers and the pairing elders from the sampled parishes. The resultant sample was 176 respondents. The study used three sets of data collection tests; psychological wellbeing test, emotional intelligence test and a questionnaire. Piloting was carried out in 20 parishes that were not included in the final study. Face validity was ascertained by the expert scrutiny and review of the choice of the research instruments. Split half method was used to test the reliability of the questionnaires. Spearman Brown prophesy formula was used to ascertain the reliability of the instruments. A correlation co-efficient of 0.88 was obtained and thus the instruments were deemed reliable. Descriptive statistics were used to analyze the quantitative data obtained, using frequency counts, percentages and weighted averages. For inferential analysis, linear and multiple regression and Pearson’s correlation analysis were calculated at a significance level of 0.05 to determine if there was any relationship between the independent and the dependent variables. The research drew these conclusions from the study; The self-awareness component of Emotional intelligence had a positive influence on the psychological wellbeing of the clergy, where most of the clergy had above average levels of self-awareness, scored high on psychological wellbeing tests. The study concluded that most of the clergy in the Presbyterian Church had self-regulation component of Emotional intelligence and that self-regulation was essential in enhancing the psychological wellbeing of the clergy. Empathy was found to influence the psychological wellbeing of the clergy. However, some of the clergy lacked sufficient levels of empathy, and this was challenging to their psychological wellbeing. Social skill ranked the highest predictor of clergy’s psychological wellbeing. The researcher recommends the following actions to be taken; the church policy makers to revise the policies for recruitment of clergy, to include emotional intelligence tests so as to assess the Emotional intelligence of the clergy they are recruiting. The theological college management to revise the training curriculum for the clergy, and update the public institutions offering theology as a course, on matters relating to self-regulation. The stakeholders of the Presbyterian church to organize seminars and workshops to the clergy in service, and train them on the importance of empathy in their work. Further to seek services of professional counselling psychologists to train the clergy on how to be empathetic, as well as the benefits of empathetic leadership in the church. The clergy also to be trained on how to handle cases brought by their congregants empathetically. This would increase their empathy, enable them feel with their peers and share feelings and emotions thus improving their psychological wellbeing. The top management of the Presbyterian church to carry out psychoeducation to the clergy on emerging issues in the society that they need to be socially aware of in real-time. This will enable the clergy to be in touch with the reality on the ground, and be prepared to tackle the issues for themselves as well as for their congregations, as they serve as leaders.Item CONTRIBUTION OF DEVOLVED AGRICULTURAL EXTENSION SERVICES TO HOUSEHOLD FOOD SECURITY IN MAKUENI COUNTY, KENYA(Chuka University, 2023-10) MALONZA KALVIN MUSYOKIDevolution of agriculture and extension services in Kenya aimed at promoting food security at household levels. Despite the devolution of these services for more than five years, food insecurity has persisted in some counties. Makueni County had been described as food insecure with food insecurity prevalence above 75% among farmer’s households. Information on the contribution of devolved agricultural extension services on household food security was scanty; hence prompted the need to assess the contribution of devolved agricultural extension services on household’s food security in the study area. The study objectives were to; evaluate the impact of devolved farmers training, investigate the effect of devolved subsidized farm inputs, and to investigate the impact of devolved agricultural advisory extension services on households’ food security in Makueni County, Kenya. The study adopted a descriptive survey research design. The study population was 150,697 households. The target population was household heads and ward agricultural extension administrators. A sample size of 388 respondents was selected based on Krejcie and Morgan sampling table. The study adopted simple random and purposive sampling methods. The research instruments were Key Informant Interviews (KII) and questionnaires that were tested for reliability from pilot study at resultant correlation coefficient of alpha = 0.7. Quantitative data was analyzed using descriptive statistics (percentages and mean) and inferential statistics (correlation, regression models and chi-square), while qualitative data were analyzed using content analysis. The study hypotheses were tested at a significant level of (P 0.05). The results of the study showed a positive association between farmers training and household food security (R=.252; P.05). 58% of respondents had ability to access agricultural training. Though, only 54% had been trained. Results of the study also showed a positive association between subsidized farm input and household food security (R=.258; P .05). 79% of respondents agreed that subsidized farm inputs increased food security. However, out of the 72 % that were knowledgeable about different subsidized farm inputs, only 62% had accessed them. There was a positive association between extension advisory services and household food security (R=371; P.05).79% of respondents agreed extension advisory services were offered to farmers although only 58% had accessed the advisory service even though 72% felt advisory services increased food security. Generally, results showed agricultural advisory services had highest (M=4.41, SD=.33) contribution to household food security, followed by subsidized farm inputs (M=4.21, SD=.38) and agricultural training (M=3.78, SD=.41). It was therefore, concluded that devolved agricultural extension services had a positive contribution to household food security. The study outcome informs policy makers in devolved agriculture sector, as well as guiding County governments on their efforts towards household’s food security. Therefore, the study recommended involvement of all stakeholders in the development and implementation of training program, combine research and development in implementation of subsidy program and development of local agriculture trainers who can reach out effectively to the entire community. Further studies were suggested on the role of households in adoption of devolved agricultural extension servicesItem ANALYSIS OF CROSS-METAPHORICAL COHERENCE IN G𝑰̃CHUKA SOCIAL DISCOURSE(Chuka University, 2022-09) Miriti, EmiseABSTRACT This study analyzed the different metaphors used in various G𝑖̃chuka speech events with particular focus on coherence in metaphors and the influence of social context on metaphor use. The aim of this study was to investigate how Gĩchuka social discourse is systematically structured by metaphor. Metaphor determines how people think, speak and how they create and understand their world. Metaphor overlap creates both metaphorical and disourse coherence which makes comprehension better. The objectives of this study were: to discuss the metaphors used to conceptualize various aspects of life in Gĩchuka social discourse; to analyze coherence in Gĩchuka social discourse and to establish how social context influences metaphor use in Gĩchuka social discourse. This study was guided by the Conceptual Metaphor Theory (CMT) by Lakoff and Johnson. It employed purposive sampling of eleven Gĩchuka speech events which included: a dowry negotiation ceremony, funeral arrangement and burial ceremony, a religious meeting, a table banking activity (chama), a funds drive, a work activity, a birthday occasion, a house warming accasion, a home coming occasion for an initiate, a community charity meeting and a thanks- giving occasion to parents. Different and unrelated speech events which cut across the main Gĩchuka social domains were selected with the aim of eliciting varied metaphors by which phenomena is conceptualized in Gĩchuka social discourse. Pile Sort Tasks were used to group the data for analysis, and the various metaphors were identified using the Metaphor Identification Procedure Vrije Universiteit (MIPVU). This study found Gĩchuka social discourse to be highly motivated by metaphor. Ontological metaphors were the most predominantly used metaphors in Gĩchuka social discourse. The JOURNEY metaphor was found to be used simultaneously with most metaphors to create coherence within the discourse and among metaphors. The study establishes that the social context plays a significant role in metaphor use in Gĩchuka social discourse. This study deepens the understanding of the nature of metaphors that motivate Gĩchuka social discourse. The metaphors highlighted in this study will be useful for cross-culture studies. This study contributes to knowledge in cognitive linguistics by conventionalizing and invigorating the use of metaphors in Gĩchuka social discourse, which increases vitality in African languages.Item RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN SELECTED FACTORS AND ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT OF STUDENTS IN MATHEMATICS IN PUBLIC DAY SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN MERU SOUTH SUB-COUNTY, THARAKANITHI COUNTY.(Chuka University, 2022-09) Musyoka, SarahABSTRACT The academic achievement of students in mathematics in Public Day Secondary Schools in Meru South Sub County has been low in the National and County Mean score. This persistent poor performance in achievement of students in mathematics in public day secondary schools raises concern as it is experienced in the backdrop of concerted efforts by stakeholders to better achievement in mathematics. This study, therefore, sought to examine the relationship between selected factors and academic achievement of students in mathematics in public day secondary schools in Meru South Sub-County, Kenya. This study adopted a descriptive correlational research survey design. The study population was 1955 respondents comprising of 455 teachers and 1500 form three students in all Public Day Secondary Schools in Meru South Sub County in Tharaka Nithi County. Simple random sampling was applied to select a sample number of teachers and students from the population and this sample formed the group from whom data was collected. Instruments for data collection included questionnaires for both teachers and students. A pilot study was carried out in a purposive sample of two public day secondary schools in Maara Sub County, selected for the researcher’s convenience, involving 5 teachers and 15 forms three students totaling 20 respondents representing 10% of the sample. To ensure the correct inference about the population, the instruments used were subjected to reliability analysis which was carried out to find out whether the measures of the research instruments would yield the same results on other occasions. The reliability of the instruments was computed using Cronbach's Coefficient Alpha and this calculation obtained a reliability coefficient of α = 0.78 which is greater than 0.70 and thus the instruments were considered acceptable for data collection. Statistical Package for Social Sciences Version 25 which is preferred due to its inbuilt statistical analysis capabilities for quantitative data was used to run analysis where data was summarized using descriptive statistics. Inferential statistics involving use of Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient analysis was employed to determine the relationship between various variables, where a probability, P-value less than 0.05 was considered statistically significant. The findings from this study revealed that; all the independent variables, that is; parental-related factors(home set up, household chores and academic support), teacher-related factors(teacher’s academic qualification, teaching experience and morale) and student-related factors(student altitude, arithmetic ability and mathematics anxiety), were found to influence academic achievement in mathematics either positively or negatively. This study recommends that parents and guardians should pay more attention to providing learners with adequate study materials to better their performance. Additionally, learners must be provided with ample study time; mathematics learning involves learners making practice on taught concepts that require time to review and understand which requires enough time. It is also important that more emphasis should be paid to training teachers, special workshops, and training sessions that boost Mathematics teaching skills in a highly dynamic world. Learners are urged to develop strong positive attitude towards Mathematics as it yields better academic achievement. In general, the findings of this study call for a combined effort from all stakeholders in education, in their respective roles in a bid to better academic achievement in mathematicsItem CONTRIBUTION OF TABLE BANKING TO HOUSEHOLDS WELL-BEING IN KABONDO KASIPUL SUB-COUNTY, HOMABAY COUNTY, KENYA(Chuka University, 2022-09) George, OkothABSTRACT Table banking is one of the micro-finance initiatives aimed at poverty alleviation. The popularity of table banking has been growing among development agencies and governments as one of the means for poverty alleviation. Table banking has emerged as a viable alternative financier of unbanked individuals from low income households across Kenya. Table banking is envisaged to have positive effect on livelihood improvement. However, there is little information on its contribution to household well-being. The main purpose of this study was to assess the contribution of table banking to households’ well-being in Kenya with focus on Kabondo Kasipul Sub County, Homabay County. The specific objectives of the study were: To determine the relationship between credit accessibility and household well-being in Kabondo Kasipul Sub County; to establish the influence of savings in table banking on household well-being and to determine the influence of training in table banking on household well-being. A descriptive research design was adopted in which both qualitative and quantitative data were collected from household members belonging to table banking groups. The target population of this study was 795 members of table banking groups, four chiefs from the four wards and a Sub County director. A sample of 260 respondents was selected from the members of the groups involved in table banking. The sample size was arrived at using Kathuri and Pals (1973) sample size determination table which recommends that for a population of 795, a sample size of 260 is recommended. Cluster, proportionate and simple random sampling was used to select the respondents from table banking groups within the four wards of Kabondo Kasipul Sub-County. Purposive sampling was employed on four chiefs and a sub county director since they were considered to have vast experience in the management of table banking programs. Questionnaires and interview schedules were used as tools of data collection. Validity and reliability of the instruments were determined through a pilot study in Kasipul Kabondo Sub County. For clarity, Kasipul Kabondo and Kabondo Kasipul are different sub-counties but with almost similar names. Cronbach-Alpha coefficient was used to test the reliability of the instrument. The reliability coefficient was found to be 0.7 which is acceptable. Analysis of data was done using the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 21.0. Diagnostic tests were done before developing the multiple linear regression model. These tests are: normality test; multicollinearity test; and test for heteroscedasticity. The multiple linear regression model was established in order to determine how the three independent variables influenced the well-being of households participating in table banking. The study found that individually, all the three independent variables have a positive and statistically significant relationship with the well-being of households involved in table banking. The study recommends that table banking should be integrated as an integral component of poverty alleviation policies. Since table banking contributes to households’ well-being, recommendation is also given that most members of the community should be encouraged to join table banking groups.Item NEIGHBOURHOOD CHARACTERISTICS AND THEIR INFLUENCE ON CRIME COMMISSION: A CASE STUDY OF THIKA WEST SUBCOUNTY, KIAMBU COUNTY, KENYA(Chuka University, 2020-11) OMONYA, KENNETH SETHThere exists substantial evidence that a likely offender’s decision making on places to offend depends on his or her assessment of the place. The assessment can be in terms of physical facilities, social features or guardianship measures that exist in such a neighborhood. Their existence in a geographical space makes it possible for a probable offender either to commit or not commit crime in such a place. In Kenya, few studies have been done on the influence of facilities, clusters, social and physical characteristics on crime commission. Thus, the primary purpose of this study was to investigate neighborhood characteristics and their influence on crime commission in Kiambu County. Thika West Sub-county in Kiambu County was purposively sampled because Kiambu County is ranked highest in crime prevalence for the year 2015 and 2016 in the country and ranked second for the year 2017 and 2018. For the four consecutive years, Thika West Sub-county accounted for the highest crime rates reported in Kiambu County. Additionally, the Sub-county police report for the year 2018 indicates that a few places accounted for the most crimes in Thika West Sub-county. The study adopted a descriptive survey design. The study was guided by rational choice theory and social disorganization theory. The target population was 245,820 subjects comprising of the business owners, security agents and area residents within the three locations of Thika West Sub-county. The study utilized a sample size of 400 respondents. Simple random sampling was used to select respondents that were included in the study sample. Three chiefs from the three locations and Deputy County Commander (DCC) were purposively included in the study sample as security agents. The instrument of collecting data was the questionnaire which was pilot-tested in Ruiru Sub-county. The instruments’ reliability was tested using Cronbanch’s alpha reliability coefficient. The correlation coefficient for physical facilities’ reliability was 0.741, for guardianship was 0.743 and 0.720 for social interactions. Methods of analyzing data used for descriptive were frequencies and percentages. The inferential statistics were analyzed using categorical regression and linear regression analysis. The analysis was facilitated by the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 21.0. It was found that there exists a positive significant relationship between physical facilities existing in the neighborhoods and crime commission. The study revealed that there exists a negative significant relationship between guardianship of a place and crime commission. It was concluded that there exists a negative significant relationship between social interactions of people and crime commission. The government as the manager in security sector benefits from the findings of this study as it is enlightened on various crime generators and attractors. This helps in resource allocations to the security sector in the fight against crime. Thus the National Security Council would be able to improve the existing policies in security sector. The findings of the study are beneficial to urban planners in planning for urban built environment. The findings of this study are valuable to researchers and scholars, as they form the basis of further research and assist in academic purposes by providing general knowledge in the area of crime commission.Item CHILD LABOUR AND ITS EFFECTS IN PUBLIC PRIMARY SCHOOLS IN DADAAB SUB COUNTY, KENYA(Chuka University, 2020-12) Ali, Issa MohamedChild labour has remained a global challenge. It is estimated that about 218 million children in the world aged between 5-7 years currently work under conditions that are considered illegal, hazardous, or extremely exploitative. The persistence of child labour posed threat to children’s education, especially in primary schools in both arid and semi-arid areas. The purpose of the study was to examine the effect of child labour in public primary schools in Dadaab Sub-County, Kenya. The objectives of the study were to; determine the prevalence, establish factors that increase child labour and its effects on schooling in Dadaab Sub-County. Descriptive survey design was used. The study population 31 198 people; household heads, teachers, community leaders, pupils and officers in relevant Government offices. A sample size of 384 people was used. The study used cluster, random, purposive and snowball sampling methods. Data was collected using questionnaires, interviews, observations and Focus group discussion instruments and methods. Data from the field was analyzed using both quantitative and qualitative methods. The quantitative data was analyzed using both descriptive and inferential statistics. The qualitative data was summarized and analyzed using themes and narratives. Results were presented using tables, charts and graphs. The results showed that majority (58.6%) of the children were involved in child labour in the study area. About 61.3% of the child labourers were males. The distribution of child labourers in the three divisions of Dadaab Sub County was; 58% in Dadaab Sub County, 22% in Dertu division and 20% in Liboi division. The most prevalent child labour activities identified were; House helps activities (32%), Errand running (24%), Selling Sweets (17%) and Herding (10%). Majority (74%) of the child labourers were aged 12-17 years. Child labour in the study area was caused by; household characteristics (household size, proximity to business centers, household head status, literacy, income and religion), school characteristics (inadequate staff, extra school levies, insecurity in school environment and poor relations between schools and communities) and pupil characteristics (peer pressure, health challenges, lack of parents, domestic work, attraction to waged labour, family errands and care for siblings). There was a progressive drop (21%) in enrolment of pupils in the primary schools in the study area between the years 2013-2017. About 67% of the respondents pointed out that child labour negatively affected academic performance in primary schools. It was concluded that there is high prevalence of child labour in Dadaab Sub County. Household characteristics, school characteristics and pupil characteristics contributed in causing child labour in the study area. Child labour had a negative impact to schooling by causing reduction in primary school pupil enrolment as well as negatively affecting their academic performance. The results will guide policy makers and future researchers on the subject of Dadaab Sub County.Item INFLUENCE OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP TRAINING PROGRAMMES ON THE PERFORMANCE OF YOUTH OWNED ENTERPRISES IN THE CASE OF LAIKIPIA EAST SUB COUNTY, LAIKIPIA COUNTY(Chuka University, 2020-12) Mweresah, Benson MukangulahYouth enterprises play an important role in facilitating socio-economic development through job creation. Entrepreneurship training programs aim at equipping the youth with valuable skills such as critical thinking, decision making, leadership, team work and innovation which enhance better performance in entrepreneurial activities. Although various organizations have developed and implemented such training programmes, there is evidence that many of these enterprises collapse after a short period of time. This necessitated the need to investigate the influence of entrepreneurship training programmes on the performance of youth owned enterprises in Laikipia East Sub County. The objectives of the study were to: establish types of entrepreneurship training and their influence, determine the influence of institutional resource capacity and determine how stakeholders’ participation in training programmes development influenced performance of youth enterprises in Laikipia East Sub County. Descriptive survey design was used. The study population was 1450 respondents. The accessible population was youth engaged in entrepreneurship and officials from training institutions. A sample size of 350 respondents was used according to the table of sample size estimation by Isaac & Michael. Simple random was used in identifying trained youth while purposive sampling technique was applied on training providers. Data was collected using questionnaires, Key Informant Interviews (KIIs) and Focus Group Discussions (FGDs). Quantitative data was analyzed using chi square test to determine independence between the variables with the help of Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 21.0. Qualitative data was analyzed using themes and narratives. Results were presented in graphs and tables. Results established that there were significant relationships between entrepreneurship training types and performance of youth enterprises (p-value 0.0001), institutional resource capacity of training providers and performance of youth enterprises (p-value 0.0024) and stakeholders participation in development of training programmes and performance of youth enterprises (p-value 0.0000). In conclusion, the study has shown that training programs have a lasting positive impact on youth enterprises, and specifically when having the input of stakeholders in coming up with these programmes. As long as these enterprises continue to absorb huge number of unemployed youth, sustaining their effectiveness is unavoidable. As recommendations therefore, more training programs should be availed as various approaches are used to disseminate information about the intended training, use of technology and availing adequate training materials and qualified personnel should be adopted to ensure intended results of the training programmes are achieved. Increased engagement and consultation with stakeholders should be up scaled.Item Determinants of youth radicalization and security in Mandera Triangle, Kenya(Chuka University, 2020-12) Tialal, Michael NkodiRadicalization has become a matter of critical concern to the global community given that it has increased and bred terrorist groups whose activities transcend borders. Youth radicalization in Mandera triangle has led to insecurity resulting in loss of lives, destruction of property and non-local workers seeking for transfer to other parts of the country. Studies conducted have not exhaustively shown some factors that govern youth radicalization in Kenya. The study investigated the determinants of youth radicalization in Mandera triangle. The objectives of the study were to; examine the characteristics of radicalized youth, establish factors that influence youth radicalization and explore intervention strategies for preventing youth radicalization in Mandera Triangle. Data was obtained from all the six sub-counties, Mandera South, Mandera East, Mandera North, Banisa Mandera West and Lafey. Descriptive survey design was used in the study. The study population was 2500 youth. A sample size of 115 people was obtained. The study used proportionate, purposive and snowball sampling methods. The instruments of the study were; questionnaire, interviews, Key informant interviews and Focus group discussions. Data was analyzed using both quantitative and qualitative statistics. Descriptive and inferential statistics (Multiple regression) was used to analysis data. Statistical package for social sciences (SPSS Version 22) was used in the analysis of data. Narratives were also used to derive implications to the study. Results of the study indicated that; that social cultural factors such as social media (β= .706, p˂0.05), culture (β= .400, p˂0.05), marginalization (β= .640, p˂0.05) had positive significant effect on security in Mandera triangle. Most of the radicalized youth are male aged 21-25 years and the education level had negative significant effect on youth radicalization (β=-107, p˂0.05). Some of the important intervention strategies of reducing youth radicalization were; enhancement of National and local government for service delivery and security along the borders, engaging youth in building social cohesion, provision of incentives and youth funds for setting up business, promotion of rule of law and human rights based approach in Mandera triangle. These findings could inform future researchers as well as policy makers in areas related to youth radicalization and security.Item Factors Influencing Performance of Income Generating Enterprises Owned by Youth Living with Disabilities in Chuka/Igamba Ng'ombe Sub-County, Tharaka Nithi County, Kenya(Chuka University, 2019-09) Mutunga, Carolyne N.ncome generating enterprises aim at reducing unemployment which is one of the serious problems affecting the youth living with disabilities (YLWD) in Kenya. The Kenyan government has made efforts through various development funds to enhance youth living with disability to engage in income generating enterprises. Despite the interventions, many enterprises owned by youth living with disability face several challenges in their operations. Previous studies indicate that majority of the enterprises fail within the first few months of operation. The purpose of this study was to assess factors influencing the performance of income generating enterprises for YLWD in Chuka/Igambang‟ombe Sub-County, Kenya. The study‟s objectives were to; determine the influence of entrepreneurial training, establish the influence of credit access and determine the influence of characteristics of youth living with disabilities on the performance of youth living with disability income generating enterprises. The target population for the study was 76 YLWD who own income generating enterprises. The study was a census survey where data was collected from all the respondents because they were few in number. The research used descriptive survey design and was guided by critical disability theory. Structured questionnaires were used to collect data from the respondents. Validity of the instrument was ensured through expert judgment. The data collected was analyzed using both descriptive and inferential statistics with the aid of computer statistical package for social scientists (SPSS). Results of the study indicated that entrepreneurship training, access to credit and entrepreneurial characteristics significantly affect performance of income generating enterprises owned by YLWD. Conclusion was made thatentrepreneurship training, access to credit and personal characteristics such marital status, education level and gender play an important role in performance of income generating enterprises owned by YLWD.The recommendations of the study were that;the government should roll out entrepreneurship training programmes targeting the YLWD, redesign credit programmes to overcome the barriers faced by the YLWD when accessing credit on individual basis from financial institutions and more entrepreneurial programs, workshops and affirmative actions should be enhanced to ensure equitable distribution of knowledge and skills among YLWD who own income generating Enterprises.