Mushroom as A Strategy to Reduce Food Insecurity inTharaka Nthi County
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Chuka University
Food insecurity has negatively affected livelihoods both in rural and urban communities especiallyin Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa. Some communities are victims of food insecurity due to unsustainable dietary choices. Mushrooms can be part of the solution to world’s food shortage as well as health problems. The popularity of the mushroom has been growing in many parts of Kenya. Although mushroom has high value, no market in Tharaka Nthi County provides the produce for sale. Preliminary surveys were conducted in Chuka, Tharaka and Maara and it was noted that the wild edible mushroomtypes were highlyexistent in this County in March and November, but the community seemed not to understand the usefulness of the product in food and nutrition security. Only two large hotels in the County were observed as utilizing mushroom flour for making appetizer. Generally the mushroom was indicated as not popular in Tharaka Nthi County because of; lack of knowledge on food, nutritional and medicinal value, fear for poisonous nature, unpalatable taste, high perish ability, lack of knowledge on value addition and preparation. Some of the suggestions given for enhancing utilisation of thisproduct in the communities were; education on howto distinguishbetweenpoisonous and non poisonous mushrooms,sensitization by advertisement through media, use of entertainment in drama, songs, poems among others, fortification of mushroom with other foods especially children’s food, commercialization of mushroom by experts, exchange program through cultural workshops and seminars to enhance training of various groups on how to prepare mushroom,training of women and youth groups, use of medical prescriptions, introduction of cultivated mushroom in the area.
Mushroom, Utilization, Production, TharakaNithiCounty
Sande, A. (2019). Mushroom as a strategy to reduce food insecurity in Tharaka Nthi County. Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 24(1), 47-52.