The Study of Academic Procrastınation levels of the Students of High School in Terms of Some Variables
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The aims of thisstudyisto determinetheacademicprocrastination levelsof the hıgh school students and analyze this behavior according to the variables, gender, doingsports,gradelevelandage.Thisresearchisadescriptivestudyinwhich qualitative research techniques are applied. The hıgh school students studying in state high schools in Tokat and Giresun constitute the population of this study. The sample of the study consists of 561 students (232 female and 329 male) studying in different schools participated in this study. The personal information form and “Procrastination Tendency Scale” which was developed by Aitken (1982), and adapted into Turkish by Balkıs (2006) were used as data collecting means in the research in order to determine theknowledgeaboutthedemographicalcharacteristicsofthehıghschoolstudents. SPSS 20 software package was used in the solution of the data. The average points of theacademicprocrastinationtendenciesofhıghschoolstudentsaresignificantly differentiatedbasedonthevariablesofgender,doingsports,gradelevelandage. However,theacademicprocrastinationtendenciesofhıghschoolstudentshaven’t shown a significant diversity based on the schools at which they are studying
High School Student, Sports, Academic procrastination.
KÜRKÇÜ, R. Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences ISSN 2347-5374 (Online). Age, 14(104), 18-5.