Effect of Intercropping Herbaceous Legumes with Napier Grass on Dry Matter Yield and Nutritive Value of the Feedstuffs in Semi-arid Region of Eastern Kenya
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Semi-arid region of Kenya is faced with inadequate quantity and low quality of livestock feeds. Research was
conducted in the semi-arid region of eastern Kenya to investigate the contribution of two legumes, Seca
(Stylosanthes scabra cv. Seca) and Siratro (Macroptilium atropurpureum cv. Siratro) to seasonal total fodder
productivity and nutritive value when intercropped with Napier grass (Pennisetum purpureum cv. Bana). The
treatments consisted of Napier grass planted as pure stand and intercropped with legumes. During the production
phase, the grass and legumes were harvested for dry matter yield after every 8 weeks for a period of four wet
seasons and two dry seasons between April 2002 and September 2004. Overall total herbage yield of the mixtures
was higher than those of sole fodder grass with the grass constituting the major component of the yield. Seca was
more productive and had a relatively stable yield than Siratro. It accounted for higher proportion of total DM yield
of 15 - 34%. in Napier compared to Siratro which had less than 5% except in the drier season when yield failed.
Total DM yield was highest during the short rains of year 2002 and declined thereafter in subsequent seasons and
was lowest during the dry seasons. It was observed that crude protein of Napier grass was significantly ( P< 0.05)
enhanced by inclusion of the legume in the intercrop (CP 9.64 - 9.96% of DM) compared to sole Napier grass (CP
8.14% of DM). Napier grass intercropped with Seca was more degradable than sole Napier grass. It can be
concluded that Seca formed a better association with fodder grass than Siratro and is recommended for
intercropping in the semi-arid region of eastern Kenya.
Legumes,, Napier,, Semi-arid,, Dry Matter,, Nutritive Value and, Livestock.
Agricultura Tropica et Subtropica Vol. 39(4) 2006