A Backward Regressed Capsule Neural Network for Plant Leaf Disease Detection


This study investigated the introduction of backward regression coupled with DenseNet features in a Capsule Neural Network(CapsNet) for plant leaf disease classification. Plant diseases are considered done of the main factors influencing food production and therefore fast crop disease detection and recognition are important in enhancing food security interventions. CapsNets have successfully been adopted for plant leaf disease classification however, backpropagation of signals to preceding layers is still a challenge due to low gradient flow. In addition, parameter and computational complexities exist due to complex features. Therefore, this study implemented a loop connectivity pattern to improve gradient flow in the convolution layer and backward regression for feature selection. We observed a 99.7% F1 score with backward regression and 87% F1 score without backward regression accuracy on testing our framework based on the standard Plant Village (PV) dataset comprising ten tomato classes with 9080 images. Additionally, CapsNet with backward regression showed relatively higher and stable accuracy when sensitivity analysis was performed by varying testing and training dataset percentages. In comparison Support Vector Machines (SVM), Artificial Neural Networks (ANN),AlexNet, ResNet, VGGNet, Inception V3, and VGG 16 deep learning approaches scored 84.5, 88.6, 99.3, 97.87, 99.14, and 98.2%, respectively. These findings indicate that the introduction of backward regression of features in the Caps Net model may be a decent and, in most cases superior and less expensive alternative for phrase categorization models based on CNNs and RNNs. Therefore, the accuracy of plant disease detection may be enhanced even further with the aid of the fusion of several classifiers and the integration of a backward regressed capsule neural network.



DenseNet, Plant Leaf, Convolution Neural Network, Capsule Neural Network, Model Training, Deep Learning


Jepkoech, J., Kenduiywo, B. K., Mugo, D. M. & Tool, E. C. (2022). A Backward Regressed Capsule Neural Network for Plant Leaf Disease Detection. Journal of Computer Science, 18(9), 821-831. https://doi.org/10.3844/jcssp.2022.821.831