Eco-Friendly Farming Practices and the intensity of their adoption in the agroecosystems of Embu County, Kenya

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African Journal of Biological Sciences


This study was conducted among households of Embu County in Kenya to determine the socioeconomic factors that influenced adoption of Eco-Friendly Farming Practices (EFFPs). Earlier studies had indicated clearly that Embu County was experiencing soil erosion, pollution and soil acidification, yet EFFPs had been introduced to counter these environmental challenges. Therefore the study sought to find out the influence of socioeconomic factors on adoption of the EFFPs. Ex post facto research design was used. Through multistage random sampling 402 household heads were selected and all the 32 extension officers in the area were interviewed. 71.1% of the households were considered high adopters while 2% had not adopted low intensity was found with EFFPs such as limited use of inorganic pesticides and soil testing; medium intensity was seen on adoption of green manuring, composting, integrated pest management, minimum tillage and mulching. EFFPs with high adoption intensity included: Increasing soil and water conservation measures, cover cropping, use of less herbicides, intensified inter cropping, cultivating leguminous crops, agro-forestry, crop rotation and cultural methods in weeding were some of the EFFPs with high intensity adoption. The study found no statistically significant relationship between the intensity of adoption and the uptake of EFFPs among farming households of Embu County, Kenya. Therefore understanding the type and intensity of EFFPS adopted would be critical in designing effective environmental programs in the County.



Adoption, Eco-Friendly Farming Practices (EFFPs), Intensity, Households
