Perceptions on the Level of Influence of Parental Involvement on Acquisition of Literacy Skills among Pupils in Primary Schools in Akithi Division, Tigania West District, Kenya
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Journal of Education and Practice
Literacy is the basis for most school learning, and one of the surest predictors of academic achievement. Studies indicate that parents in Kenya are not actively involved in their children’s literacy acquisition process. This study sought to explore parents’, teachers’, and pupils perceptions on the influence of parental involvement on acquisition of literacy skills. The study was carried out in Akithi Division, Tigania West District, Kenya.Descriptive survey research design was used to carry out this study. Data collection was done using questionnaires and interview schedules. The study suggests that schools administrators need to formulate clear policy guidelines on the involvement of parents in the literacy development of their children.
ISSN 2222-1735 (Paper) ISSN 2222-288X (Online)
Vol.8, No.32, 2017
influence, Parental improvement, Acquisition, Literacy skills
Murungi, J. M., M. (2017). Perceptions on the Level of Influence of Parental Involvement on Acquisition of Literacy Skills among Pupils in Primary Schools in Akithi Division, Tigania West District, Kenya. In Chuka University, Journal of Education and Practice: Vol. Vol.8 (Issue No.32, p. 97) [Journal-article].