Browsing by Author "Kagema,Dickson Nkonge"
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Item Responsible Leadership and Sustainable Development in Post-Independent Africa:A Kenyan Experience(ne Journal of Values-BasedLeadership, 2018-01) Kagema,Dickson NkongeThe political independence in Africa was welcomed with joy and a heap of expectations, as AfricansbelievedthatthenewAfricangovernmentswouldbringsustainabledevelopmentafter years of subjugation, exploitation, and oppression. Unfortunately, this has not been the case. Today,manyyearsaftertheattainmentofpoliticalindependence,manyAfricannationslargely remain underdeveloped, burdened with poverty, diseases, poor communication networks, illiteracy,tribalanimosity,economicchallenges,andinjustices,―allofwhichaffecteveryaspect of African life. This study, which involved 160 respondents purposely selected from the 47 countiesinKenya,aimedto investigatewhy Africacontinuesto lagbehindindevelopmentdespite autonomousrule.ThestudyfoundthatalthoughAfricaisendowedwithnumerousresources,it suffers from the lack of responsible leaders, particularly political leaders. Leaders in Africa are availableinabundancebutveryfewareconcernedwiththewelfareofthepeopletheylead.The majority of the leaders are keen to retain power and acquire wealth at the expense of the constituents they represent. This has created a very horrendous situation in Africa as people struggletoaccesspoorly-managedresources.Nosustainabledevelopmentcanbeattainedina situationwhereleadersarenotresponsibletothosewhotheylead.Foritisonlytheinstallation ofcompetent,empathetic,equitable,andforward-thinkingleadersthatwillsuccessfullyguidethe sustainabledevelopmentofemergingAfricaneconomies.Africanleadersmustrealizethatthey are stewards of the geopolitical environments they were elected to serve and must be fully accountablefortheiractions.Responsibleleadershipandsustainabledevelopmentareclosely interwoven. Recommendations are interjected regarding how to develop our leaders for responsibleleadershipifanymeaningfuldevelopmentistobegenuinelyachievedinAfrica.Item Theological Education in Africa in Focus: Challenges and Opportunities for the African Church as it Moves to the Future(ScholarsAcademicand Scientific Publishers, 2018-09-29) Kagema,Dickson NkongeThe future of the African Church looks bright with its tremendousnumerical growth, but careful assessment shows that it is failing to match numerical growth withthe development ofitspersonnel. Usingthe Anglican Church of Kenya as an example, this study shows that the African Church is in crisis due to the lack of enough qualified personnel to lead it. If the Church in Africa is thinking about itsfuture it must think of the theological education through which its leaders areequipped. The African Church currently has a feeble theological education system; characterized by unviable theological institutions, irrelevant curricula, low enrollment, and unqualified theological tutors among other challenges. For the African Church to take the right path as it moves to the future, it must revitalize its theological education system so as to prepare a sufficient number of well-equipped leaders to match the rapidly changing African society.