Determinants of youth radicalization and security in Mandera Triangle, Kenya

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Chuka University


Radicalization has become a matter of critical concern to the global community given that it has increased and bred terrorist groups whose activities transcend borders. Youth radicalization in Mandera triangle has led to insecurity resulting in loss of lives, destruction of property and non-local workers seeking for transfer to other parts of the country. Studies conducted have not exhaustively shown some factors that govern youth radicalization in Kenya. The study investigated the determinants of youth radicalization in Mandera triangle. The objectives of the study were to; examine the characteristics of radicalized youth, establish factors that influence youth radicalization and explore intervention strategies for preventing youth radicalization in Mandera Triangle. Data was obtained from all the six sub-counties, Mandera South, Mandera East, Mandera North, Banisa Mandera West and Lafey. Descriptive survey design was used in the study. The study population was 2500 youth. A sample size of 115 people was obtained. The study used proportionate, purposive and snowball sampling methods. The instruments of the study were; questionnaire, interviews, Key informant interviews and Focus group discussions. Data was analyzed using both quantitative and qualitative statistics. Descriptive and inferential statistics (Multiple regression) was used to analysis data. Statistical package for social sciences (SPSS Version 22) was used in the analysis of data. Narratives were also used to derive implications to the study. Results of the study indicated that; that social cultural factors such as social media (β= .706, p˂0.05), culture (β= .400, p˂0.05), marginalization (β= .640, p˂0.05) had positive significant effect on security in Mandera triangle. Most of the radicalized youth are male aged 21-25 years and the education level had negative significant effect on youth radicalization (β=-107, p˂0.05). Some of the important intervention strategies of reducing youth radicalization were; enhancement of National and local government for service delivery and security along the borders, engaging youth in building social cohesion, provision of incentives and youth funds for setting up business, promotion of rule of law and human rights based approach in Mandera triangle. These findings could inform future researchers as well as policy makers in areas related to youth radicalization and security.


A Thesis Submitted to the Graduate School in Partial Fulfillment for the Requirements of the Degree of Master of Science (Msc) in Community Studies and Extension

