Factors Influencing Performance of Income Generating Enterprises Owned by Youth Living with Disabilities in Chuka/Igamba Ng'ombe Sub-County, Tharaka Nithi County, Kenya
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Chuka University
ncome generating enterprises aim at reducing unemployment which is one of the
serious problems affecting the youth living with disabilities (YLWD) in Kenya. The
Kenyan government has made efforts through various development funds to enhance
youth living with disability to engage in income generating enterprises. Despite the
interventions, many enterprises owned by youth living with disability face several
challenges in their operations. Previous studies indicate that majority of the
enterprises fail within the first few months of operation. The purpose of this study was
to assess factors influencing the performance of income generating enterprises for
YLWD in Chuka/Igambang‟ombe Sub-County, Kenya. The study‟s objectives were
to; determine the influence of entrepreneurial training, establish the influence of credit
access and determine the influence of characteristics of youth living with disabilities
on the performance of youth living with disability income generating enterprises. The
target population for the study was 76 YLWD who own income generating
enterprises. The study was a census survey where data was collected from all the
respondents because they were few in number. The research used descriptive survey
design and was guided by critical disability theory. Structured questionnaires were
used to collect data from the respondents. Validity of the instrument was ensured
through expert judgment. The data collected was analyzed using both descriptive and
inferential statistics with the aid of computer statistical package for social scientists
(SPSS). Results of the study indicated that entrepreneurship training, access to credit
and entrepreneurial characteristics significantly affect performance of income
generating enterprises owned by YLWD. Conclusion was made thatentrepreneurship
training, access to credit and personal characteristics such marital status, education
level and gender play an important role in performance of income generating
enterprises owned by YLWD.The recommendations of the study were that;the
government should roll out entrepreneurship training programmes targeting the
YLWD, redesign credit programmes to overcome the barriers faced by the YLWD
when accessing credit on individual basis from financial institutions and more
entrepreneurial programs, workshops and affirmative actions should be enhanced to
ensure equitable distribution of knowledge and skills among YLWD who own income
generating Enterprises.
A Thesis Submitted to the Graduate School in Partial Fulfillment of the
Requirement for the Award of the Degree of Master of Science in Community
Development of Chuka University