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dc.contributor.authorEvance, Odiwour
dc.contributor.authorStanislous, Mutunga
dc.contributor.authorKanyago, Gitonga Anthony
dc.contributor.authorKuria, Kamweru Paul
dc.description.abstractThis study shows the effect of electric field on the germination and growth of bean plants. Rose coco beans was chosen because its growing rate is fast and it’s a common food plant. An electric field was applied in the soil and is expressed in terms of electric energy density created within pairs of copper plates with different polarities (-ve and +ve) forming electric impulse with 9V DC current at room conditions for 6 hours a day. A control sample was treated similarly except with no electric field applied. The growth parameters investigated were the germination rate and the heights of the stems and were recorded after every 4 days. The obtained results shows a positive effect on the germination of about 27.8% positive deviation and improved height gain rate of 32.1%. This data shows that electric field could have an effect of awakening seed dormancy which result to faster germination, and positively influence other biochemical processes resulting to higher growth rates.en_US
dc.publisherResearch journalien_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesResearch journali’s Journal of Agriculture;
dc.subjectRose-coco beansen_US
dc.subjectelectric fielden_US
dc.subjectgermination rate and growth rateen_US
dc.titleEffect Of Electric Field In The Soil On The Germination And Growth Rate Of Rosecoco Beans Planten_US

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