WAMBUGU, PETER2023-05-242023-05-242022-09http://repository.chuka.ac.ke/handle/chuka/15581A Thesis Submitted to the Graduate School in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Award of the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Religious Studies of Chuka UniversityThe purpose of the study was to investigate the dynamics of Anglican Development Services (ADS) of the Anglican Church in enhancing Community Development (CD) in Kenya. The ADS since its inception has been involved in sectors such as agriculture, education, climate change, environment, healthcare, gender, human rights, poverty alleviation, peace building and justice, food security, economic empowerment, advocacy, water and sanitation, HIV/AIDS, capacity development and governance with the aim of improving the livelihood of the community. However, despite mitigation programs by the ADS in enhancing CD in Kenya, the community has consistently experienced the problem of inequalities, depraved governance, corruption, poverty, tribalism, poor health, unemployment and forms of under development, thus necessitating this study. The objectives of the study were: To establish the biblical and theological basis for church involvement in community development; to analyze the organizational policies of Anglican Development Services in enhancing community development in Kenya; to investigate the strategies employed by Anglican Development Services in enhancing community development in Kenya; and to establish the challenges facing Anglican Development Services in enhancing community development in Kenya. The study was carried out in four Anglican Development Services regions in Kenya namely: Pwani, Eastern, Mount Kenya East and NAIKA (Nairobi, Kajiado and All Saints). The Theory of Reconstruction Theology (RT) advanced by Jesse N.K Mugambi was applied based on the process of social reconstruction as a paradigm for CD. Descriptive survey research design was used and a sample of 330 respondents gotten from a target population of 1,827 was employed. The data was collected using questionnaires, interviews, and Focus Group Discussions (FGDs). Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 26 computer software was used to analyze the quantitative data using descriptive statistics, such as frequency and percentages in accordance with the study's objectives. Thematic analysis was done on qualitative data. The findings illustrated that the biblical and theological basis for church involvement in community development was highly valued. It was demonstrated that ADS has both policies and well founded strategies for enhancing community development. However, a number of challenges were discovered to be impeding the process of implementing of development initiatives and programs. To improve on the sustainability of community development within the targeted areas, it is recommended that more effort be made to disseminate biblical and theological teachings to educate communities about the wholistic mission of the church. In order to improve the sustainability of the development programs for the benefit of communities, beneficiary communities and community development partners should be appropriately engaged and well informed about the tenets, mission and strategic plans of ADS programs and projects. ADS target recipients should be expanded through conscientization process, goal oriented empowerment and transformative participatory approach, with the most vulnerable members of the community receiving priority. Suitable mitigating measures should be implemented to address the challenges encountered to ensure that the community and all stakeholders contribute to the achievement of the ADS community development objectives. From the study, it was confirmed that the ADS stands as a platform for socio transformation within the life stream of the people through community development. The study will make contribution to knowledge in religious studies, theology and related disciplines.enDYNAMICS OF ANGLICAN DEVELOPMENT SERVICES OF THE ANGLICAN CHURCH IN ENHANCING COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT IN KENYA PETERThesis