Linet, Mutua2023-09-162023-09-162022-09 Thesis Submitted to the Graduate School in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Award of the Degree of Master of Education in Early Childhood Education of Chuka UniversityLearner participation in environmental conservation activities is key in ensuring learners gain the skills of conserving the environment during their pre-primary years. In ensuring that learners participate in environmental conservation activities, teachers are expected to use instructional approaches that promote active participation of learners in activities. The aim of the study was to investigate the influence of instructional approaches on learners’ participation in environmental conservation activities among pre-primary children in Kaiti constituency, Makueni County, Kenya. The objectives of the study included: to establish the influence of project approach on learner participation, to examine the influence of excursions approach on learner participation, to determine the influence of inquiry-based learning on learner participation and to establish the influence of roleplay approach on learner participation in environmental conservation activities in Kaiti constituency, Kenya. The study employed descriptive survey research design. The population of the study comprised of 119 headteachers, all the parents of pre-primary children and 238 pre-primary school teachers in Kaiti constituency. The sample unit was 65 headteachers, 30 parents of pre primary children and 131 pre-primary teachers of the public pre-primary schools in Kaiti constituency. To sample the schools, headteachers and the pre-primary teachers, simple random sampling technique was used. Convenience sampling was used to sample the parents of the pre-primary school children. Data was collected using two research instruments which included questionnaires for pre-primary teachers and the headteachers and interview guides for parents. Validity of the research instruments was established by developing the instruments in consultation with the supervisors and experts in the department of education Chuka University. Reliability was tested using split half method and determined by Cronbach’s Alpha. A reliability coefficient of 0.716 was obtained in the study. Qualitative data was analyzed thematically based on the research objectives. Quantitative data was coded and analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS version 25.0). The study hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level of significance using Chi-Square. The findings of the study demonstrated that project approach, excursions, inquiry-based and role play approaches had significant influence on learner participation in environmental conservation activities. The findings of the study may benefit teachers, curriculum developers and policy makers in ensuring that pre-primary learners are taught using instructional approaches that promote learners’ participation in environmental conservation activities.enINFLUENCE OF SELECTED INSTRUCTIONAL APPROACHES ON LEARNERS’ PARTICIPATION IN ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION ACTIVITIES AMONG PRE-PRIMARY LEARNERS IN KAITI CONSTITUENCY, MAKUENI COUNTY, KENYAThesis