Marika, Edward KirimiJagero, Prof Nelson O.Kanga, Dr. Benjamin M.Gitari, Dr. Eric M.2022-10-252022-10-252021-072411-5681 Service Delivery entails the duties carried out by a teacher in a learning institution. Teacher’s duties include attending lessons, preparing lesson plans and evaluating students. Other teachers’ duties include maintaining students’ discipline, nurturing students’ talents and also attending to teacher, parent and students meetings. In Kenya, Teachers Service Commission (TSC) introduced Teacher Performance Appraisal and Development (TPAD) as a performance management tool to enhance teacher service delivery in secondary schools. One of the competences to be measured by TPAD was on teacher time management practices. With the introduction of performance appraisal, TSC hoped teachers will improve on timely preparedness on teaching contents, attending lessons and other school activities timely. Despite the emphasize accorded aspect of time management in the teacher performance appraisal there are still cases of teachers missing class lessons, syllabus not covered as expected and lateness when attending to school functions and activities in Kitui County. This has raised concerns among education stakeholders whether the aspect of time management in secondary schools has influence on teacher service delivery. The objective of the study was to establish the influence of teacher time management practices on service delivery in public secondary schools in Kitui county. The study used descriptive survey and correlation research designs. The target population for study was 3169 subjects comprising 428 secondary school principals and 2738 teachers. The sample size was 337 respondents. Simple random sampling was used to select 47 principals and 298 teachers. Questionnaires were used for data collection. The study found there is a significant influence in proper time management practices and service delivery. Teachers need to go to school early enough, attend lesson, meetings and all scheduled school activities in good times to enable them achieve the set objectives.enTime Management PracticesInfluenceService DeliveryINFLUENCE OF TEACHER TIME MANAGEMENT PRACTICES ON SERVICE DELIVERY IN PUBLIC SECONARY SCHOOLS IN KITUI COUNTYArticle