Fundi, P.Mwangi, E.Githaiga, J.2022-10-312022-10-312022-04 selection and preference are poorly understood for the mountain bongo (Tragelaphus eurycerus isaaci Thomas, 1902). Focal animal sampling was used to de-termine seasonal food choice and preference for captive- bred individuals at the Mount Kenya Wildlife Conservancy, in preparation for reintroduction into the wild at a proposed sanctuary within the surrounding forest reserve. Food availability was assessed using nested plot sampling. Plant life forms contributed differently to the diet (H[4] = 28.93, p< 0.01), with shrubs accounting for 55%. Relative abundance of the principal food plant species influenced their contribution to the diet in both wet and dry seasons (χ2= 7.33, df = 1, p= 0.07; χ2= 2.47, df = 1, p= 0.116 respectively). Despite having a high relative abundance (1.88%), Trichocladus ellipticus Eckl. & Zeyh. was less preferred during the wet season (E* = 0.20). It was however most preferred during the dry season (E* = 0.78), possibly reflecting relative nutritive value. The bon-gos included a large proportion of grass (27%) in their diet like other browsing herbi-vores that inhabit forest glades. Compared to the conservancy, plant foods were well represented at the proposed sanctuary with 72% and 80% similarity in both wet and dry seasons. This potentially enhances the likelihood of bongos adapting and estab-lishing once reintroduced.endiet selectionfood preference Mount Kenya Wildlife ConservancyMount Kenya forest reserveTragelaphus eurycerus isaaciTemporal variability in food choice and availability for the semi- captive critically endangered mountain bongo in the Mount Kenya Wildlife ConservancyArticle